Show the past week hasteen has been oneff one of unusual besth ity in addition to the assembly soirees the merry jingle of sleigh bells tinkled cheerily iyan in the frosty air revising many recollections of home and loved ones far away aw ay we availed ourselves of the opportunity of the i season to construct a rocky rock mountain cutter i aich is e accomplished by th the e aid of four ox yokes and an oll old crate the whole turn out being completed and ready for action in just jast two hours twenty three minutes and ten seconds As the bo boys s about the stores had bad monopolized all the fancy bells we w a were compelled to tall fall back upon the old fashioned cow whose A hose deep In melodious elodious notes if not in dilative dica d canive tive of sleigh riding was at least suggestive that a herd was ivas either eaker moving through town or going out to pasture rancy fancy cutters with a large profusion of vermillion indigo blue arid and other colors may do for the gay fiut for good honest hones service through deep ditches commend us to ox yokes its ts dot cot stylish bat eminently practicable we have haie always pitied that powder huni institution the ux bt seems to have hare been to wear the yoke as a badge of his hia servitude and bear his nostrils to the ground and it affords a lire fire opportunity for some philanthropic howard to assume the merciful care of the hie bulls and all suggest something fo 0 o ameliorate their condl condition tin we W e have made one break to wards towards it by taking the yoke from the neck of the ox putting it upon the ground and making mules tt i e hate mules pull it lt let others follow our example time tim may not be befar far distant when ithen tins this valley so rich in me lAcs blessings sings of heaven and the comforts in a horn will ivill set an example that will ivill make the blush of shame mantle upon the cedel of the bull chacker when the ox ov yokes shall shallie be turned Into sleds and then and not till then will the ox oc o c be vindicated hes old he is cold hes lazy dull dul and s low he eats all my hay and he breaks all my straw but now ads not fit fitin in my c cart art for forto to draw so ban hang him up and skin him to the dogs let him go poor old ox let him die old oil song sog thus thug ends our peroration and our sleigh ride ended by upsetting i in front of engham brigham youngs young s residence v chere here we ive were graciously deposited in a hospitable gully and from fro which we were generously rescued by gen james Mr guson who cann came to our relief and who has our thanks |