Show A cat an heiress ne iress one of the most exquisite of musicians in her time was mlle mille dupuy of the french opera her pealing playing I 1 u upon pon 1 the harp was the wonder bonder an and a s astonish m 1 ment in ont of paris she was cc convinced nv incel j r however that she owed her artistic exl ex 1 c clllence cel ellex lence ice to her favorite cat and of this I 1 s strange intire intimacy icy between a charming woman and her quadruped favorite moncef her biographer gives the fol joeln bowing 3 interest interesting p particulars of cour course the themely 1 lovely musicians Is cia Is risings at home were assiduous assiduo Us and con t stant but as boonas soon aa she sat down andia began to prelude upon ahe instrument el f she he noticed that tbt her caf car assumed ari an a at i n of ili intense tense attention ioa at the point is ij of the instruments arrivi ngat any pa passage of pecullar po cullar ar beauty the excited f went into a feline ecstasy I 1 and so w well ell measured val this sensibility accordia according to the excellence excel lelice of the play ing an and d the pathos of the composition that tha Mlle tAIlle dupuy was able to judge of the quality of the music music by the ac manifest emotions of her cat she became be caffie a d de dez 4 i vout PS seite pi h fact be believing lievin c that I 1 the t it ener nervous creature was wa an exact exa ct prot phet foretelling pre precisely cisel y how musi muslli v aou id affect an audience and she was biag grateful accordingly to th the friend ito whom thought she owed mainly her ta r artistic success far irr in her last illness at the approach of death mlle dupuy sent for then the notary 0 t ary 0 to make her will she had acau accumulate mu J e ed a for fortune tufie by y her prot profession ossion and the first clause of her testament atas tho giving of her town house and her co ciuni ua 1 try house bouse to her cat seq added 1 1 eimu nimu annuity ity sufficient for the comfortable il a support of the four legged comfortable du rin gits natural life and tomake to of f this her last will and testament should te be respected she gave several le legacies 9 acids to friends on the expression a J that they should see to the fulfillment dofher of her wishes it was also a con that they should severally take turns during the week in n going gow to see seea and keep company with the orphan puss ss J adds that the it mile duay disputed the validity of the v t will and a lawsuit was the consequence v vs dupuy but the cat gained the cause and lived out her days r with genteel alternation between her t elegant town house and her charming country house the particulars of the final cal catastrophe astroppe are not given |