Show UNDER LIBBER A HOOP hoof while tending attending at 1 the commencement exercises aises at a certain college colle ge in in georgia during P the ahe present summer an accident occurred which afforded considerable consider abe amusement for a small party of ladies and g aden en tf bf which evere one we will relate it tt without how e ev ver er mentioning any ally names ours h h a married may man is is as bashful as a yo y ung oung maiden ma of sixteen had attended the evening e ening exercises in com company p any wi with th his lady and when IN hen the concert concluded was among amona the he first to leava the charel chapel on bitin down stairs how bov ever vever his wife ife discoverer disco verel ered that she had left lefft some article on n her seat and our friend had to make his way R ay back after it as best he mi might ailt when he got ot back to the stairway stai roay he was glad to perceive p or that it w was as clear the crowd not haima reached it yet ile he started up a at t a pace not noticing ther until he got got nearly to the flie top af of the steps when lice he says a a strange sensation came over him I 1 and suddenly he found enveloped in d darl mess as tho the lights had been extinguished lle ife was as astonished toni shed and bewildered but the mystery was soon explained and it appeared that a lady wearing a very larg large h hoop had met hi him m at the he top of the st stairs airs and was w as just ir IE the act of descending when our friend being a small man li had ad without noticing actually gou gone vp under the hoop it is to add that hat lie did not stay to apologize apologise apol ogise jiS but atit made tracks as soon as he extricated himself |