Show cold 14 and afee lit mails we present below belov some letters which we have received from the road and from the last mail party that vent out it wil I 1 be see seen that their sufferings have been very severe and the s etor torm main sin the neighborhood of the tha south pass and the sweetwater are pronounced by old mountaineers the most terri tern he bie ever experienced in that vicinity should this continue we must make tp bp our minds that is e are cut off from the united states and the balance of mankind and esith true facial phil philosophy ophy grin and bear it 7 although there are many who nho will grit their metri PASS CITY K X T dec 5 58 ED VALLEY TAN 1 I send you a few freezing re eving items from this place thinking the might be of interest to some of your housed up real readers this alc place plc e is 13 ron considered by tr al i travelers to be the coldest place on the road from the states ll 11 to GS L city and if the last ten days can be taken as proof I 1 am of the same opinion it has storming almost incessantly since ince the of november kov ember abut but the storms of december at ast 1st ad and ad are id ayt old talce rs to be the severest known know n inta in these a e parts for the last ten years ears anthe on the ad d the t thermometer herm ometer stood at 16 legs below zero at 2 p in 12 dogs ge below 9 ap p in 16 below A violent is wind ind and storm coming from the northeast north east on the ad at 8 a m 18 begs below wow zeros zero p in IG below a torm coming from the is est eat drifting enow filling the air so BO completely that a person could bardl haraty go twenty yards from the house without getting lost jost both boa the up and down mails due here on the 1st ast canie came in in on the fth and are artill here herd saable to proceed the down mail left sandy station on the astin ast 1st in charge of mr routh and alex alev montrey and mr gand mr jur B passengers came as tar far as pacific creek and were obliged to turn mackto save es from certain death both the mail boys froze very badly mr routh both hands and aid feet will probably lose one hand band little alex montrey the general favorite is with ith every one on this end of the route is is dreadfully frozen his whole face which is is quite flesh fleshy Y is frozen to the bone bolle ins bis hands handa and feet ceet slightly the passengers say he be wilt vill not get over it 1 1 1 the mail ifft on the ad for a second trial in m charge of mr win ashton the agent and the passengers and got lost about 7 p in in the storm about five miles from tins this place they accidentally accident aly came to sweetwater and camped not knowing where there they N w ere and mr ashton freezing fre eying lived through the ril night lit and came into our camp about 8 lock a PI ni on toot foot having left the mail and their mules at their camping ground mr ashton aaton was almost helpless having frozen one hand and foot badly the others slightly ile he was in the greatest agony all day and night of the ath today to day he is a easier casier ier we ve are doing ev everything to save his fingers but with vv ith little hope the passengers fers not no t frozen f rozen except mr B whose hose face is sl slightly i ghaly frozen about 2 91 clock p in mews brooks and bevins conductors of the up mail and mr jarvis indian agent and one mule the last 0 of f ten they started with vv ith fro from the 11 dev devils Is gate 11 all the rest having died or been lost in in the storm OR OB rocky ridge they had camped for four days in in a little bunch of willows w illow s with nothing to cat except two rabbits ats it being impossible to travel either way ivay till saturday morning when the storm subsided a little they started with the last live mule for this station leaving the mail and baggs baggage in in camp As soon as this fact became known sol So lGee gee mr gilbertjr gilbert mr thompson Thomp soi and mr hurd took a wagon and went w ent tor for it they returned this morning having been afen out ouk all night mr jarvis not frozen but badly chilled mr brooks froze feet fingers face and ears mr bevins both feet one badly every attention possible is is being paid to the sufferers at this place mr guthrie and mr jarvis jarv is sat up with mr ashton last night refusing to lie he down mr gilbert trader at I 1 this place has opened his house freely to the unfortunate and is 13 jeri jenden dering ng all the assis tance possible mr ayers ayera dr shaw and din dan hardin all more or less frozen vii the mail above green river mr mcada 11 ad Go agent is is here is ith feet hands hand face ana ears slightly frozenia fro zenin coming iron green river hirer one of russell majors Wad Waddel dells lg out fl fits t a to the states was caught in the storm on rocky ri ridge dg we a short distance dist anee from the mail boys camp but neither party parly knew the they were so go near together the out outfit fi t w was as in in charge of mr rennick arid and capt foster they have harp lost eight or ten men it in the storm probably tro en and buried in the anthe snow remainder ot atthe the party pirty were hunting for fo them yesterday I 1 have not dot since bince heard from them both malls mails will leave as soon as the atom is 13 over the down dow n mail in charge orn of gy gee taeup mill mail in charge of chirlie iiii lerand ler and wm dark clark mr guthrie Guth newill will r return Q csini to the city unless the v weather eather cha changes ages mr air jarvis jarvia wll lai hoover over herewith mr ashton till next week I 1 HAMS foric dec 8 we arrived here at 2 p in mr air dark clark baving frozen all ins his ringers slightly the frozen at sandy all doing well vie lye me met t mr mayors outfit at sandy static st moving along slow my 1 at green river some olne 0 of f mr IIa Ilas lellIs frozen pretty badly on their way to the states met donn mail his hia side of green riser tins this coming snows snow lery ery deep aIlt all the heway nay to laramie from deer creel to little sandy the tha snow sams 11 I 1 drifted badly from one to twenty teet A scoundrel by the name of jones alia sooty scot the same that killed ta the e man that shot the policeman in in G S L city bas hai been doing a few tricks here lately andai and as no one here has spunk enough to him 11 up p irvill I 1 will take him in in hand lie ile broke open botn a trunk the property of mr miller of pass that it was as at this thia place and took fron from it some few miniatures ires and other shingi that could be of no use to trim irim ite he also stole a horse saddle and bridle also a coat contain ing ing an all order on majors russell co fw br thirty six six dollars doll irs from this st station atLon and left for parts unknown unk nonn D since since is which ile lielie h as not been heard from if this should lue ethis eve eo lie he will still find the writer at south pitt pi cay M we te has ime e been permitted to peruse the fol foi lowing letters to peter K X dotson esq eai n T bah 1858 1838 r DRAR DEAR sm 1 I 1 ar rh ils pat gatesy a uy to time 1 I find it impossible to put a at staiti a ion on ther the sixth crossing of sweet sw ater tin eit enow was about three jeet deep and now HOB there is 13 no bottom I 1 left deihls dei alls gate gale 01 monday morning avith ten mules I 1 arrid artlie station on sw ater with one nna muk the balance has haling ing frozen to death S NT hands feet and ears are very badly frozen I 1 think I 1 shall loose one of my ear that came with u ith me has frozen zen his feet both so tha he will loose some SOD e of his toes mr gull gid erie ene is will ill give gie you a di of the llna down I 1 obedient servais ser ant 1 1 1 ti w IV J BROOKS M MB DOTI X r SIR we are arc all here at waiting for the n weather eather to moderate moderate so 01 th afie ernail mail ca can travel we found the snow abai twenty inches deep up lip to muddy static 1 we made good time up 11 p to sunday we iv ai 1 id there about to tao wednesday 1 vent ivet that night to dry sandy gehad e harf J very lery bevel geneie e storm the worst that I 1 lew eve a iv witnessed in my lije life I 1 we e left next morn mon iiii for the south pass and got to the crossar cros sir but could not stem the storm the li mail boys boy are so badly frozen that I 1 abb they will probably lie die at least I 1 think still bill we turned and went back to sand sad ft that night mr ashton cabe cau e down sill us and he then took the mail and donea that thai a man mail could do to get the mail a we got lost every night bince bince is e left I 1 city we got lost on the south pass i found ourselves above the station obo eight miles we laid down on the sweet ia until morning we got up in the mor I 1 and left the mal mail 1 I mules amules blankets A I 1 everything every thing we had and made for the tion is lie e succeeded in in getting in before all perished mr ashton hag haa frozen 01 hand and one foot I 1 think le he will be t bon to loose his hand we got the mail tr about ten saturday mr will 1 be bound to buy some mules to 10 gritt get mail away I 1 think I 1 will come back the next mail the mail that came up nine mules that froze on rock creek cr e e k ere fr S man that has traveled with the mailia Maili b lail 1 we left the city is is badly frozen respectfully J M 31 G ind SALT LAKE CITY dec 11 1858 mn MH kmic kekk ANDERS Ati DEMON ON i I 1 k you inquire in 5 your our last paper the deaf and dumb boy that aborts abo its of 0 tile th be satisfied may inquiries imper impertinent lour your I 1 about the matter hear no more ande we mill ill inform you thit th it lie he has been permanently and decently pla planted about one and a halt half miles cues north east of your our office in a place called a cemetery where if you ou desire you ou find hil hanl c cn it was necessary for ho his salvation that thai ins big ci existence stence on earth s hould ile be alf consequently his sulden sudden transition h aiom oin this ibis to a better world orld having braving said this ibis much I 1 would advise you jou j ou that it is 13 not proper that you hereafter notice such matters in your paper it I 1 is s one ane of the rights g guaranteed guaranteed to us by the constitution of our government to mior bor s alp ilp god according to the hie dictates of our own consciences with i winch aich right it is to be hoped you will not again attempt to meddle I 1 hope you will vill tale take the hint it certainly will be to your our ad advantage vanta e you see sec our paper the deseret Dc seret not news P 11 does not make it belt elf objectionable by heralding such things kins ANDERSON ESQ esa SIRI bae lia e not the pleasure of your our acquaintance but I 1 am very glad to pee tile course pursued by you on in in your paper I 1 thinie think it will ill be approved of by many of our church members at least eastby by all those aho vho are opposed p 0 sed to many act acs a of violence that are done under tinder a pretended right and color I 1 never did and nr never er can believe in the doctrine that it was right to take a persons life for the purpose of saving him yet many or of tuy my brot brothers bers differ civilli ill me on this they taink that ahen there is is danger of acosa tiang they should by a premature trai tra i t ion from this world be secured the of a better one you inquire in in your paper of last week eek about the deaf and dumb loy boy lor for your in information I 1 will v dl say that he v was as lulled killed about three or four weeks ago about twelve miles mile eat ea it t of here in the kanon on the road to lind 13 ridger ger and near ibe he house of rephraim hanks the person who killed him is a policeman of this city cit his name is is the boy was IMS shot through the arm arin and ana also had a second shot through the breast that not lulling killing him his throat threat was cut I 1 am glad to see you notice these things it may bat bai e a tendency to prevent such actions in future not being much in in the habit of putting my thoughts on paper you will hill look 1001 over my iny 1 disconnected kind of 01 writing and e especially S pe ally excuse my bad spelling I 1 thought it was mas right to let itt you linow know that tl at some of us approved of your paper and thought it my iny dy duty to answer anett er your our inquiry |