Show GAMBOLS or A JOG AT ins IS Ms in a m 1 the do dog AS if he be understood french was vi as done dancing ing about upon lib his masters ma sterli chest and making a des desperado despe rao attack on his hia face wa with a bew view to il if D da coucy chucy kept him off with his hants h mis but the th love of the beast would takeno refusal so he licked hi ats s hands instead then he tried to pole poke his black alse ase under these hands hanas then finding that lie he danced round and and most unceremoniously wagged M ins s bailin his masters face then he gave gaie a little bark as if he wanted to speak hs mind end E nd then repeated it it as if provoked because he could not mola make himself b self nn n der stood ie crucy turned on his side and rolled the lg betl for a game of play it was nas pleasant to see ee these two tao ar animals making loea loe to one olle another and to mark how mush mith the affection of the dog exceeded iha hal of or the man his attitudes tit udes in in spite if ll 11 lus dislong long ugly body and short legs s were more graceful than those of dancer now on his bak back with his head tossed playfully playful Y oil on one side inviting ills lu S master to come on again now n orv on akis feet with his front fron paws out and pitin pont nely ely a sr smile nile on h his is u ugly ay iy face now kaliin making a rusi at the roans mans face his black blac knose nose in in his big hair de coney enjoyed this and laughed aloud again ard and it again hr until 1 l both man and an 1 dog wei vi ei V tired tila iuan |