Show CANNON SOT NOT DISABLED BY the th silencing of a battery by spiking the t guns is a stroke of daring darin I 1 g frequent ly I 1 y performed in n military aili tary op operations orations erat ions the operation is performed by driving a rattail rat tail file into the touch hole and then breaking if short off in some instances a common cornmon nail is used in III either case the gun is disabled for the time as the touch hole can only be cleaned by drilling int ow out the spike and this m when hen i it c consists on of a file is generally a very difficult matter but an invention has recently been produced which promises to render a cannon as useful without a touch hole as with it it the inverters in venters are Gomez mills by whom it was tried at the new york Arse arsenal hal some weeks ago it is i s in reality a safety fuse one end of which penetrates thea the cartridge ca r tride e and extends through the entire ch chamber a abe r of the cannon to iho muzzle I 1 where the gunner can dascha discharge i rge the I 1 can cannon non as readily as ai at the toul touch hole the fuse is a chemical compound enveloped in a flat fiat paper case which is wrapped with cotton and afterward dip sod pod in resin to prevent its b becoming damp amp when used for foe submarine purposes it is protected by a jacket of gutta per percha clia the fire passes through it at the rate of a rolle mile in four seconds thus ihus enabling knablin en ablin one man to discharge a I 1 broadside broad sid of any ay iy number of guns at a t I 1 the 0 I 1 same moment for ordinary mining I 1 purposes it is equally useful 1 aid from its composition will be less les s likely to flash i without with 0 u t explosion as is very often tho case with w ith ordinary gunpowder r bl blast asling iq it has also beeri been tried at washington toa in the he presence preside of tho the secretary of talar W ar and pd various officers odthe army arid and navy where its success s a id toha to 11 ve been be envery ery derided 1 1 l a in r alft ulft B i 1 |