Show alc 11 revived xi cd A K edition we present in th tins Is issue a lot of ex tracts taken from the Sean standard dard works n orka of s the latter flay day saints saint ts As they has haie e been pub imbed heretofore A le c i violate no legal eriv leges of copyright Cor right and ip oense tot to tae akel no steps to secure it for ourselves our oui aci design sign as Js to reflect back the peculiarities of mormonism from its lecog nihed patriarchs Patri archa 1 pro quiets anil and counselors Counsel irs in inac language aj of immortal mortal ini let H and we v mil ill add there are a few te more left deseret news an aug 30 1857 7 cleber C kimball in in his remarks said it if this people should consent to despos sess eess brother brigham young oung as our governor arthey they are just t as sure t to 0 RO go to liell hell as they live an and I 1 isnow n it for god u forsake them and leave them to rhems themselves e ives and the they is be in in i orse one bondage than the childrey children of israel ever e cr were v ere supposing this thing all blows over and they fiey dont come up here but they begin to flatter us sis and be friendly what will be the r suit flatter as long on as the earth sta elands rids but r fuel never er wil verild be subject to one of their damned pusillanimous curses they may court and flatter us as much euthas as they please but I 1 never will be subject to the them again D no never do you on hear bear it doloes voices yes dodou think we v will ill submit sub mitto to er they have cut aut the thread themselves you are the people is ho have the pris privilege I 1 to acknowledge knowledg ac me brother brigham bangham as our governor and continue him in office and you also have the privilege through your conr agency to reject him if you 3 ou please but it will kill be to your condemnation if you do because he has got the keys kes 0 of f the kin kingdom kindom dom and the very moment you object to bi him you cut yourselves off from the right of the priesthood estwood est hood the reason that I 1 talk as I 1 do is because I 1 dont hold any offic co in in the united states but this people sometime ago appod appointed anted roe me chief justice of the state of deseret Ue seret and brother john taylor and bishop N S K X whitney W hitney as my associates you also appointed me ine li lieutenant eu tenant got governor arnor I 1 always adv a s told you I 1 nas isas going to be lieutenant governor this is a samp speech 0 0 Y you 0 may take this alis as some of heber II ebers isiora i it you please I 1 hav have e I 1 edged myself as one of the people and now I 1 say N M e will swill our own name andave and vi e vv it ill not be false named any more mere we are the kingdom 0 of god we lie are the state of deseret et and v v e will have you ou brother brigham as our governor just as acm lcm long as you livena is ill not dot have any ether Gocr governor Go vernoi noi we are the people of deseret and andelt it is is for us to say ir hether we vie still have brother Brig brigmans bans for ow our governor or those poor miserable devils they are reported to latry be try ing to bring here you must known they are miserable evils to jou have are to come here under arms but they shall not rule over us ua nor come Int into othis tins territory what do you say about it are you willing milling as a people that they should come in here hee you that say eay they shall not raise your right hands all hands raised mr gentiles wont you tell of this to your workers coworkers covi co vi for the devils kingdom |