Show political oui ou dates from st i louis aro are up to the ath oi 01 enot november ember and from them it e learn there othere can call be no doubt but that judge douglis has triumphed in in illar oi s it is is estimated that he be avill n ill have hai e a ma jonty of f diac in 11 joint ballot and will con tie he returned to the united states senate by the legislature which bich meets this winter Alo igan black republican Alican has been 1 elected I 4 governor go arnor of jl anew lewd york the indications indications are very favorable I 1 for the Demoa ats io 10 have haie a small majority in in the neit neit congress new NEM the rhe returns from 25 counties in ill this state show a republican gim gain of over the vote lote of the allany journal estimates morgan s rep majority over oer dem at 00 00 the atlas and argus do demo mo cratie cratic paper concedes the same vi avil liabson li amson the opposition candidate for cong congress gr ess in m the third district claims his election over oer ly liy 23 majority Y though another ano her de despatch informs us that is is elected by majority in the buffalo district spading adin amer lean ican is is elected 0 over er hatch and the en tire union lid ticket et is is elected also there ther is is reason to believe that 29 out of the C 33 members of congress chosen are opposition leaving only the beggarly number of 4 to the democrats massachusetts tho republicans have carried this state stale though it would appear by a reduced majority the returns from towns show a plurality of for banks rep forgon anor the entire republican congressional delegation i is s elected though the majoria majorities ies of some of the candidates are dangerously small the legislature is is largely republican of course NEW in this state penny ton opp is elected to congress in the fifth district in the second district stratton Sl ratton app is thought to be elected erece I 1 the returns returns are scant but are arc favorable to the tickets im in inho aho milwaukee dis brict brox ii dot Dc myia ll alii ii elected to congress by majority returns from the remainder of the state favor the election of washburne Wash burno rep in the dem second and billing billinghurst hurst dem in in t the ie third district counties heard I 1 froni from civo dve a majority of for the republican stats state ticket the returns t show considerable democratic gain I 1 th the democrats democrat s have I 1 elected their state ticket and have a majority in tho the legislature |