Show 0 full i A S photographs AND shay y be had a I 1 the he old a few dhori north perry sore in ili the building occupy d hv bv A taylor son ron up the stairs at t th ahe S south ah mil ind 7 at M CANNON WANTED 1 aa A LARGE sheet ironist iron stove ove for which good bood price will be paid I 1 7 41 CABOT CO I 1 FOR SALE SAIE THE r undersigner undersigned under signed ned offers for sale ale a JL house and ud lot lo bani i m orrt on on main street tile die re ff orid 4 boath ill of 0 0 Gilli libert rrt I 1 gerrld the lot li 2 4 tells feet 9 inch echea ft front mid 10 roladn arild in dipti th 1 it buil building dlug upon it which rents tor ur asoo per tin all this property Is most locatis loc atil being in 1 elio llio cry business part a 0 the city end and will lis lie sold BOKI low fir arr aili for far particulars inquire at t the nee of if the she tied in the fprd i 7 11 ll 11 DAZ COW r i w m |