Show AN EDITORIAL POEV poem somo poor poor editor exchanges ex aa anges during 1 lat last suiter seldom camo came to hand got ol 01 off T the th e following lines I 1 wish I 1 were an oyster and never nei er had bad to thinks and that the sea I 1 fed from we were not a sea of ink shut in my shell securely ely I 1 how blest a lot atwould be bey and those alio ho call for 11 copy would nei or call on me oh I 1 blessed clams and oysters 0 down by the salt sea sands you have no call for 11 paragraphs paragraphs no 0 o Prof fl your care demands deman ye happy little logs and shrimps scrimps sh rimps ye dinow no mental pains betel yei e tt not a score of blackball black ball imps A feeding on your brains it if I 1 were but an oyster and never nev er had to ima chink ilow how blest would be the salt salt sea far from the sea of ink it A foolish wish after all for oysters are even more art apt to get into a ste stew than editors |