Show cj the ile V U S district court meets again today to day A petition has be been on presented to judge judg ge sinclair lair signed by members othe bar and others forthe for the court to adjourn oera and take a recess during dunny the session of the legislature i 3 we publish in another colaras two communications in ill relation to the sudden and mysterious disappearance of a deaf and dumb boy and winch has been kept so quiet yesterday wednesday brook ie and gilbert U S deputy marshals arrested a man by the tha name cane can e of N L chrisis who bo Is laor or has been a policeman and isho bo is charged with the crime the party charged was brought before judge S sinclair 11 clair who mho officiated as a committing lilagi magistrate gi strate and several witnesses were examined is when hen the case was a adjourned over the fact of the bolls boa having been killed was ill clearly eaily cl proven and we believe is is riot not now denied and it was intimated that it was done in in self pelf defence this however remains to tobe be proven especially when we take into to consideration the very v ery secret and mum silence tha tl at t pren prevailed ailed in in the councils of this city and which w was as absolutely forced out by ind adge s cradlebaugh who inho made the affidavit and started start edthe the proceedings in connection with an editorial enquiring in the last number of the valley tan lan wh why did rot riot the church organ say something about it was it riot not an item worth publishing Is riot not the lift life rf of a aboy boy even though lie he be poor poo r and deaf and dumb worth anything any thing TU testimony discloses tte the fact that he be was not dot only shot bat b of his throat cut how was it lone done arid and for what cause is certainly a proper subject of judicial investigation in m a country is here the laws an aril constitution of the united states eire are supposed at all events to be recognized ind and rec reald respected ld eve ev en though a danile Dani code or highey law may maybe be practised practiced cathe grand jury has adjourned until monday next E the te huante pc c route has put passengers through from new orleans to san francisco in ill fourteen days toler alle fast ger long |