Show iiii kaa N ID E 1 ts 0 INVA L L E Y TA N dr DEV ON THE CABLE br kafut of electrical jubilation at the die success of the cable our oar devil uncoils un coils abr breaks eaks oft off and ignites the following r highly charged charge d lines the custom is for wrong or right to practise sparking out but of bf sight so our old buck and En glands daughter dispatch this business under water IT hn 11 suit ui t I 1 mine came on the 6 ot haiday herda he iday ain m which a primar printer named K was a witness the case was an assault and battery thancam that came eoff off between two meri meil named brown and henderson enderson Hender II soh 11 mr K did you witness ss the affa aclair air referred coill toa 1 yes siry sirca welt well ki hat abit got rot fo to say sav about it ita I 1 f illi i tt that it was the best piece bece of punctuation cp ive 11 v e seen for some time mat do you mean b by aliat why that brown dotted one of hen de debons rons eyes e es for which henderson put a period to browns breathing for nearly nearl half a arni minute nute 11 the court comprehended the matter at fined the defendant fifty dollars 1 cushin of the telegraph jeays pa s when 01 old d bucks buels message reaches england all the unmarried a women omen should stand on their heads why gushing cushing faint haintl you ashamed 99 at was was a bright of smithson on when he was dying of an u unknown al complaint smithson had ead had five fire doctors and they had been unable ta discover what his disease idras as at length lenorth they told the patient he must die calling them all around him he said my jey ariti s after I 1 die make a post mortem exampled exa bort 01 land jand and ahdout cut what ails me for really I 1 have ha e heard such loll 1011 long an d learned discussions on the subject bu b that I 1 am d mg to amow what the get disease ease is is in 13 self se if 11 aa A large lar e dealer deale r not celebrated leb rated for much piety lues lives 0 over er the east river diverl in in one of those places sa so numerous in in the city of churches an effort anva CT as being made to erect a church for the poor and a gentleman gent lema n ignorant of if his character called on himfar him for a subscript sub scrip tion being ushered into the parlor converset conver corn ersa sat ion tion upon the weather and ness was quite lively for a few minutes brhen hen the subject of the visit was named and the subscription bool book fresen presented ted he retook took it and looked at it anxiously then thea lii hastily tily paced the floor two or three times ending by thrusting the book lack back into the handoc hand alf the astonished shed solicitor of jofh charity ari ity saying as he did so no wp ont t give div e a red cent there ant half as many people go to h 11 41 now as had ought to rather a iC singular reason for declining to take stock in in a m meeting house |