Show Ns FERs A man saya doctor 1 v franklin cats up a pound of sugar r andl the As pleasure lie he has ha enjoyed eri joyed is I 1 3 ended end but betl the information lie he gets from the news newsy paper is treasured up in ift the igind to be ba used whenever er occasion or inclination calls for it A newspaper is not wisdom n of if a 0 man or two men it is the wisdom of ie age of past ages too A family without a newspaper is is always half an ali ige age behind the times in general anfor i i nation besides they never neter think thick much nor lor nod find much to think about and thereto ire are the little ones growing up in igno ranee rance without a taste for beading 1 be sides ides all these evils theres the wife ft ho when her work is done has to sit r lort n with n ith her lands hands in her lap and noth tot her mind from the toils and cares aies of the domestic circle who would it e without a ii newspaper 7 jil i k |