Show ullen ehan Ulay xie i i settle tty thy slumbers pl elide cares depart luion sin in numbers num beis caecer thy oung g hearal dream op w while ile bright hours and aid fond hopes remain blooming like bowers 0 1 for thee ellen Bay neli 1 n n n chaw gentle slumbers oer the elije dreams dreama of beautys thee hide bide while I 1 linger by thy side sweet ellen liane drea dream m no not t in in anguish anu ih arp dream a not in in tear fear love iha shall m not languish rond fond ones are near sleeping or waking akin in pleasure or pain hearts will beat for thee sweet sn beet ellen ilan bayne scenes that have v vanished ani shed i 1 smile on thee naw now pleasures pleasured once banished pla y round thy bi blow ow r forma long departed greet thee again acain Soo soothing hint g thy my dreaming heart giec ellen ilen bay bagnel lie |