Show thc jhc during the week we have visited this institution g tit ution beveral set oral times and have been highly pleased with the performances we have not space to notice the various tanous performers as aa they deserve but we cannot pass pasa in silence bilen the efforts of bartholomew L quigley the ile double doable crapez act as performed by these gentlemen we have never net er seen surpassed the rope ascension by mr quigley quidie y and pupil Is ia a feat that astonishes and pleases every auditor the hurdle race as rode by I 1 gerge george bartholomew stands upon a parallel with that of any other performer port while his n among the te indians of the wa iva caf range has given mill him threat p adv advantage anLage in representing of the wild 14 man of the krainc pra inc the th f lea ca is so and astonishing r thit that we nt div have deter determined i m 1 1 aed to let hini him slide until next week we axe ara glad to see that this 11 dinati institution la well patronized |