Show AM 0 R OUS 10 it if seven days clays make one week will make one strong ja sa s1 A man who ho dont take a newspaper is not only too poor but will always alwa s remain so the less men know the less they want to know kilow folks v who ho labor for seventy meent fue five cents a day always alva s sign their names with an X P SA S A lady having haung written a letter concluded it as follows give every boas love loi e to everybody e er body so that nobody may be ii aggrieved grieved by b an body being forgotten bi by somebody ome body 11 foat at a license suit recently tried ane I in in cincinnati a witness was n as called who did not taste the liquor but testified pos etive ha itow it was hisky whisky he saw sold and dra drank 1 for he could tell it a mile off the counsel for defence ask asked ed him iche if he drank any of it drank any of it it he be answered anan ered why vh no dont you ou see im alive fo g somebody has written a book 01 on the art of making people happy without money we are in hi an exe excellent ellent condition to be experimented upon tipon atone JS one printer asked another in our hearing what he thought of the world a most pregnant inquiry which was ansbe ered red by the other in a statement that n world orld is a stage and the printers printer are the horses |