Show 1 1 11 CATTLE PURCHASE the mariposa gazette says that the die U S marshal marsh at visited diat town last w week eel to subpoena certain witnesses to appear before leforc the commissioner of the court cour of claims in san francisco in the mat 1 ter of felix argenti et als vs the united states now pending in the court of bf claims in Wase ington inton city we understand der stand that th this is aion action arises out of a certain purchase of cattle by J C fremont on account of the united states in in 1846 MILLER RUSSELL co M HOLES LE alid RET it SV DEALERS biers I 1 IV ll 11 FOREIGN IND estic HATS ND CPS WINES I ca CIGARS GARS ac THEIR HEIR stock consists in part of the following articles viz vi tea coffee chewing toba tobacco chop S sugar gar IS spice 1 c e smoking tobacco N powder r I 1 ifil shot 0 t playing cards pop pepper p er mace mace cinnamon nut nutmeg caps ac ac pale cognac brandy monongahela honorl aaela whisky dark bark do do bourbar bourbon do new york do rectified do gin port wine alyine P GROCERIES alen h mustard justard mixed pickles D i bain do assorted do ass assorted jams do gherkins gherkin do d jellies Fice lilli dd no syruis syrups pickled onions do cordiali Cordi alB tomato catsup I 1 brandy peaches walnut catsup do cherries Ch orries mushroom catsup do pears cay cayenne enne pepper assorted west I 1 I 1 India Cellery seed pres preserves erves spanish S p anish oln olives es rhubarb pie fruit ile pepper sauce i peach do A assorted sauce ap afa apple do do hat Nat preserves lumb blumb do capers Ca pottes i raspberry alo natural presed pines gooseberry do roast turkey j blackberry brar brandy dy roast alck chicken e raspbery Rasp raspberry berg brandy st string rin bea beans r rii lo 10 laster Lt ster green peas ili pickled klod do do corn fresh clams assorted herbs I 1 mince meat do sweetmeats Sweet meats sausage sausa meat natural preserved cresho bresh cauliflower peaches Po ache pi pickled T led do nata Worcestershire sauce berties berries stoughton h ton bitters 1 natural preserved bresh I 1 salmon I 1 Dam damson sons 1 I fresh Toma tomatoes tog i mushrooms wi i french fierch pickles liia lii 1 hostetter hosteller bitters Tar rigon vinegar 1 j boker bakers ls do i fields oysters M le draws do cove do 1 iut royal villasor Wil lasor do pine apple le cheese i maraschino olive ol 01 oil curacao Cu assorted candies Absy nth ll 11 raisins scotch vie le almonds london porter english walnuts Sch eidam eldam schnapps brazil nuts golden grape copat cognac pip digs old virginia Peach Dates ates brandy prunes mountain dew whis whig pecans ky crackers i family Se supplies plies cra knells i L mornin morning call ail ird 1 cheese f indian Queen Madena i 1 j f also a a large and well selected stock of t clothing hats and caps gents boots ladies shoes shoei notions woolen I 1 gloves hosiery bosica do mitts buck gloves ves do do M mitts ats stat stationery bonery ac do gaunt letts letta all of which they offer upon the lowest terms for cash br or country produce G S I 1 L city dec 1st ast 1808 1858 oaf DEPUTY V TER GENERALS OFFICE OFF ICE CAMP FLOYD V U T dec still im SEALED PROPOSALS are invited invite fl until the 2nd ad day ot of Jau jannary ury isa for iving the united states slates at this place and at rort fort br brider jtb w th one and FUW thousand bbb of gond 11 heat or I 1 or the wlm leof f elahi ell her r to to 35 31 anil and 18 48 pounds pd per 1 buhal each respa and to in aukrust S GO and october next nex in urh such in Q th theise months as pay be dig ij y the damy idy ats will be made on campli alloi 0 of contracts contract 11 1 1 which wt leh bond and it security will he be required wll will ile lease state the price per bushel and e udone endore their M bids Is proposals for or t 19 lae and direct d item to the undersigned undersigner under signed at we place 8 11 A dep deputy Y Q r beneral Bc er S I 1 RAYED PR TENT TE 1111 REWARD abat A sorrel horse sixteen and a half ab sti st I in the fareh forehead ad nip on the gioi 1 and oil if HP on the v I 1 i the above reavard IN nm ill be paid ii K r to in PETER K DOTSON A CARD 0 S L oily city NOT no 4 1353 the undersigner undersigned Under signed would most inform forn utah that they aro are still doll doli g their old end anil well vill k known stand bland 1 in great SU salt LL lale city where the most desirable goods adapted to the i of 0 t the be people may always be found they have ill aim estabill hed a ho home at camp floyd where the ballig aam style of fg goods o as iest here may maybe be had hadet at tho the as barne a 1 m I Im emsta lorm raus sta it may be an object for those lie iv n ing south tl know that they can procure their M camp floyd at the same prices as they are at in this city thankful lor for folmer patronage extended by the PIG pie ol of this territory they would pollen i continuance tin ca of 0 the earne a CO 1 in the course couo or ten days we chall bo be able to into inform oui af with cel cei dainty conce concerning rOng our train 90 1 leu tacked lipec ted 1 tt it L K CO FOR SALE ONTE ONE light two horse hors iron axle aal tree tnt esp caled walton and can ca abeso be 84 at t the store of 0 radford Kad tord cabot abot co 4 tf MAURICE and counsellor AT LAW gt brent salt take lake ith tilo TerrI lorT 21 2 1 M ATTORNEY AND ND AT 1 l T ld TV onica council 11 1 tt op P polte miller ore 2 lf H 1111 A K S S T HE E E EMPIRE ill ai it E billiard Billi aid saloon Salo oll J J M up btu atu abl til P ant and till berl and Gell tIsh 3 gioie c li is u auw ipen P n T alia 9 are re new G and nd perfect and no taina P v lim pared to mats kai I 1 it an a gable asree able ble resort ot f r iha he or of this healthy and an agreeable tf Eari VIr PIRE IRK alar dihe HE BAR is now nov furnished with a JL laae e and choice lot of 0 icib ac ill mn chased ellb great care 1 ag and nd to which hid ill chow des adde ring WHOLESOME in 1 espig called illch 2 tt JOU ir M HEADING EAI TEMPLE STREET ELIT BUILDING IS NOW N 0 sy OPEN ope N WE solicit newspapers inai slid and other 1 alc 11 bruni HI all cartr the th union on receipt or of which 14 i 1 P be feml t d booi bok lor for reference ar as donations niu bi A ly roni t pio 1 n ty who meet receive ve foreign p pipers lie e s hall 1 be 6 glad to bad them on loan inn hr b tl Ms alse WILLIAM 2 tf t 11 17 VV a Bita iem european and papers paper pica pic n otice watell WATE fl A FEW good mule in m exchange for aa LA d cadue A ppl appl to 2 if f GILBERT RT loon MA D volt i laj BOOK 01 0 1 has bg been brid borrow rd from 11 ore th alice ot of 1 ii net secretary cretaro or of state ire anelta arne itly y having ring it t tr return it Il bilt dla dilay Y airl r ice W T S WILLIAMS IAMS mccormick WILLIAMS JIT practice in all ail the courts of I 1 ahe he try and especially 1 in the V U S district C burts and sul sui reme cau court tuey they III give elve jn to all 11 i w alt n OFFICE wept aid side of fast east temple st at app aft M miller liter R 0 coa C 1 tt astorp 0 S L citi ov C 1858 lt l t misouri Mis nil onri uri republican and hi 9 T norald ad will plead pie 3 ino ills dalay dal r mid and send bill to tills this officer CABOT CO rl IN GROCERIES DRY GOODS INDIAN ail ai n GOODS ETC ail at the 0 old stand of mr howard great SU salt city calr V U T NE NEV V GOODS received h AU stock mock of staple le V GOODS epra IT fi r llila iff GILBERT GER aby A rew FEW light lir lan kanyon oil wagons afons for sai sah axby lt l I if t Z f i WORK CATTLE 1 00 YOKE of work cattle in m good J J w working al g comilo condition tor mr ale by 1 tf T GILBERT GERRIS 11 J RUSSEL CO i i wholesale H avd retail sellers in in FOREIGN DOMESTIC GROCERIES L boots shoes hats ats caps HARDWARE WINES ll 11 AND AD and outlining goods generally are now alln groet complete a PleW stock of goods 9 da in the irline that has ea ea b been broucht bron Elit to ails which elih they effir at alq I 1 low figure lor jor cash or country produce 1 lt if HOT BREWERY ny I 1 WE will endeavor to i furnish the sn so sni i berlot V 11 t malt liquors of the all above in to suit pul chasers X X ALE PORTER and our unrivalled B bab za I 1 J jh to customers oil cither he a at the brewery bey or at a berr saloan in camp lloyd floyd rolt accommodation OP OF we ire dining at the brewery meals 1 can u be pr procure ne il at all 11 h hours 4 we W have wed a good supply of 11 hay Y and oats 6 ll 11 an hustler Is ready to late lase care of Imal sF OUR PRICES in co sequence of the high aleh ajla the ity ef procuring then them are ara h J 1111 ws st rnear 1 00 a bre brcak rast and lod ilni 2 00 for atil mal for mf i I 1 t b ha and grain 1 00 t and doehla those prices for teed feed overnight over night n NB N B the highest cash pisces paid 1 tor for habil I 1 tl I 1 and tor for produce ol of all 11 hinds delivered at the crevel bre 11 MOSO puett co 00 point pirth of bif Mona ahin aln south or of city COW sta ayrd ON N the october last minall a spall youn light red COW white bite fan and a ellk roll rop ropal tl aroi nd ind liar horni horn borni eman was givin loll 1011 think she was branded lir allwood on the porn liora wl lb j not certain please bring her to CUM rl dat dolton I 1 L ward wad G 8 L C ij opposite the school mull aila 0 well I 11 1 |