Show CABBAGE AND ND DITTO IV we I 1 have hai ojust heard a cabbage story which w we wil M cook up for the laughter loving rea reader ers aoh oh I 1 loves you like anything said a 5 young oung countryman countr min to his sweetheart ee theart i warmly almly pre pres sisina sinEr her hand ditto said she gently returning the pressure the ardent lover not happening to be over 0 er and above abo e learned was sorely puzzled puzzle 1 I to understand tho the deanin meaning of ditto but ft was as ashamed to expose haig his ignorance by asking the girl lie ile n went ent home and the ii next at day being at work B ork in in the cabbage patch with ith his rather father he spoke apoe out daddy the meaning of ditto 2 11 why said the old man this here is is one c cabbage abbad 1 head aint it ita yes daddy well lvell that ares area ditto rt hit that good for nothing gall ejaculated e ja cua ted the indignant so she cal called led me cabbage licati head and ill be darned to darria tion c cf f ever igo I 1 go to see her heraram again ag ain 11 col arancis taylor of the first regiment U S artillery died at fort brown texas of yellow fever on the 1 alth ath the total deaths at the fort |