Show Ref reforming orating society tile the rree lovers iu ia convention tho free lovers or men and women white and black who believe that alivo women should claim it as a right when where how often and under what conditions they should become mothers have been holding a convention in utica N Y the best thing I 1 which appears in their proceedings I 1 is S the fol following loving which must have come from some wag tired of the nonsense which women w who i unsex themselves are continually repeating about the country at their 11 reform conventions A person rose in the gallery and read the following resolutions for the consideration of the convention we ive judge of that which is good goodly ly that which n aich is evil and good and evil are relative terms the one growing out of and depending for its existence on on the other and the virtues of today to day may be misdemeanors iri in ll 11 a more perfect organization therefore resolved that it is simply absurd to talk of curing evil throughout the world but as intelligent beings being we are on a prin principle aiple of self prote protection tio R bound to struggle against ie evil 11 and whereas intemperance in any thing is one of the greatest infringements of the tha moral law as leadin leading to unnatural excitement and a morbid sentiment tLe therefore refue resolved that rum sans intemperate temperance kenred mouth ed abolitionists womans comans right men inen and philanthropic conventions I 1 deserve our unqualified condemnation P resolved TI that tat mind civelli buelling duelling du elling ell on pot pet hobbies ii malo aake a wreck of the brain where harmony previously existed and this is is the source of all the we Q have encountered in in this hall resolved Reso hed that while there is is sense anil and beauty in in the bloomer costume costuma cos tums especially ally na when lien it clothes the mover oi of the resolution offered irl in this belief miss aliss dr lV walker alker still we vve cannot think through it mankind is is to be regenerated or reclaimed by the fair v votary resolved that mr theys trouble with mth ins his NN wife ife in in his bis own affair and he exhibited great folly in in asking the con v antion tion to endorse his treatment of her and we ve t think hink it would be unwise to change the law of divorces orcas so as to enable him to free himself the world would be full of theys wanting to leave their neives wn es resolved that the union ought not to bo be dissolved peter peppercorn or parker pillsbury Puls bury to the contrary notwithstanding resolved that w women omen ought not to be jurors or generas gene raiS her artistic procreative work would seriously interfere with the performance of those duties resolved that there is is nothing new under the sun and the hobbies of this cuny convention have engrossed the eccentricities tri cities of all ages Sed enborg volney voltaire tom hobb tom paine hume goodwin betsy gamp and becky sharp have hare discussed all these things to the final disgust degust di gust of a once admiring audience resolved all that produces happiness is is good and that which produces most moat happiness is is best and the true christian enjoys more true and substantial happiness tb than n any other faith can an administer johi while ile the man mail who departs from the r religion e of christ and who 10 lo attempts to fathom or fi finally n ally adopts the isms iams and vagaries s arce of h human um a n philosophers philosopher finds I 1 hilele himself in in a whir whirlpool pool of d doubt abt depression P es sion and misery resolved that ignorance is is the cause of the greatest evils eils and the only cause of evil that can be overcome and that on adjourning this convention ought to go go home and go to bed and after a re threshing tre shing sleep enter into the work of educating the mass masses es th the I 1 e resolutions were received as read with willi min mingled led cheers hisses and shouts of laughter |