Show A C CARD i PD a S L city KOY t i tie the would most respectfully ril lilliene liene s of 0 utah that tbt they are still doll dolog g bu i their old and well known stand blind in great salt lake cit alt where the most desirable goods good adapted to the U of it the people may always be found they hat established a house at cami 1710 Yd bere the lyle of goods as kept here may be had bad at tho the ganie ean orm rates irmay it may bean b an object fortl for those iose ti k enow now that they can procure their BK V xa m asp ramp floyd at the alio sams a prices as they are d 44 at 1 in this city thankful for or coriner patronage extended by lytle abe plo pie of this territory they would bom continuance ot of the same livingston LIVI KINKEAD k CO 1 in the course of ten days wo we shall be able abie to lafo alda fl da concerning our train to go ay iy expected iff 1 K L K X ca rolt roii SALE bici ONE light two horse ir iron ri axle t irtle EPI exiled E led and harness can be betta a at the store of radford Ha ilford cabot co in 41 MAU matilice ilICE tit ATTORNEY Y AND ND counsellor COUNSELL AT LAW G great at salt tate cit Tr orr ai ail M mair BLAIR ATTORNEY AND COUNSELL 08 09 a jn T LA OM 11 hoube st miner miller S raw il a lore 2 i r H I 1 L L I 1 A 11 D S rp n 11 EE E V al P I 1 R E 1 billiard Salo TJ X J M WALI up ba a lt 11 ani and G abort ibort and geirland Geir lahd alore 1 y th abt ire are aw new and 4 perfect and no pains vf e it an agreeable r resort tt for or nii of 0 this healthy anil and agreeable Elfr PIRE SALOON THE BAR is is now furnished nitai lii ld ge ee and choice lot of liquors wines wine ae pa im tit great care anti and to td chith wha h the it in thusa ats T ng wa WHOLESOME 0 capy 2701 bif jolla r if ara WALT ACE CRET READING ROOS LAST EAST TEMPLE STREET REESES BUILDINGS will wiil be bc opened ita hi a IF fro ev das as WE solicit newspapers MIGI zunli and d oiher ilk pra lacals 1 arom i 1 pars of f iha h U anlon D on receipt ur of aih wit wi 1 be rim tard book beoka to for Refer cc c as d fl cs will in b r c coved ived rn 1 rom tl tb ose 1 lu in ahta lc who irpeel renelva foreign pi P als w hall beald 1 I wl ise WILLIAM I 1 2 at if n 1 I W NAl tj SS ear ea r european and chroup Calir orn it paerl pl pita r le WANTED A FEW good mules in exchange fo far glod Worlin ig cattle apply to 2 if t GILBERT S GERR GERIM Sir ISIt took LOOK HEIM A BO 3 OOK OK enfiled THE ron FORI BOOK 0 I 1 lias abeln borrowa ber roved h huia the crice of oil I 1 IW sr slat lie arin th n having it tu to retura it 11 dil dele LAW AW OFFICE 17 T s civilli al J mccormick WILLIAMS ATTORI VE IS IT LA LAW IV i pra cuca 1 la all 11 ih t c cowk cis Is of n the T and ept capa ally lly in I 1 the in V U S district C C artl and aim court they aill give attention to all in 0 rj FICE wart ride elde of east temple Tsiu iilo st mer 1 I rel R ru el rl co a st astorp i R G S L city nov 6 isas 1 tf I 1 11 r and 11 N T 11 biera ld ii will pl publish 3 months ahe daly and send d bill to thle this office me RADFORD RAa CABOT S co wherle ALE AND RETAIL I alera IS IN GROCERIES DRY GOODS INDIAN GOODS ETC I 1 at the DILI stand of mr houard great salt I 1 lol NEW KEW GOODS received afuli a full stock of J GOODS selected af tills this iff 1 tt GILBERT AF FEW light lanyon kanyon wagons for sid 0 b liv lt l I tf t GERIL CATTLE CAT 10 1 00 0 YOKE of work cattle in id g awl worlen 1 condition di 1 l for lil tale by bv I 1 1 tf gernish AX ILLEn HUSSEL CO wholesale and retail dealers in i FOREIGN DOMESTIC GROCERIES moots hoots Sli slices toes caps 13 AND and goods g generally rally are now ia 1 III biosi comp complesi leti stock of goods in the irline bpck b brought to this ihla territory they amr at TO low fl gure tor for casin or country produce 1 tt HOT SPRING BREWERY WE will ft ill endeavor to furnish the thes P parlor malt mail liquors llau le ot of the alove above in quantities insult to eielt purchasers aar PORTER and our unrivalled BE to cu other al the ill elyj or all beerli B r amoo 1 can YOU KOK HON OF we have opened dbrig naomi corria at t it hie brewer 04 WB meals can be procured procure at all hours bours j W he h e secured a good supply of bay und an t t hath r is ready to care of i OUR PRICES in consequence ot of the leilh arl D dilion ilion anil and Q the it ct procuring then the 1 follows I s sincle insl meals 1 supper breakfast and adf lodder 1 20 2 w vw or a tingle if S ot ahny pt licad w c hav and graan 1 7 anil and dwiel don lilB thoe le a for feed ver iver i night N X B D the highest 1 babli h pr aps cps s pall paid ter for I 1 and or produce of 0 all kiuda deliver d at ath S MOGO hot SIBS r point t 0 f me mountain metal tal sulb bulb ot of CRY |