Show seagoing sea going steamers Stean lost the new york journal 0 of commerce ivas ve s the following list of ocean steam ers TS which have been lost since the commencement comin in men en of ocean steam navia navigation tion value of 0 vessel lives josf and carpo cargo president british 1 0 arctic american pacific 11 san sail francisco 11 cenal america ff independence yankee blade 75 city of glasgow elish blush tempest 11 lyonais Lyo nals french austria german 2695 2693 the president pacific city of glasgow and tempest were never heard from the arctic san francisco and contral central diderica di foundered the independence pen dence and yankee blade were wrecked the lyonais was sunk by a coll collision I 1 i and the austria was burnt the first steamer that crossed the atlantic was the sirius sinus in ill 1838 1839 the regular line of european steam steamships ships was started by mr cunard in 1640 and since that time there have been b con lost OB the stormy atlantic eleven vessels maki 1 ing an average ill in eighteen years of one i in n eighteen months |