Show the spanish women are very interesting what we associate with the id idea ea Off malv beauty is iq not perhaps 1 ery common in in this country there are aie seldom those thoe ser seraphic uchic countenances w ewh 1 ich strike you oa dumb dum b or blind but laces in in abundance il which will never pass ditl w 10 ut co commanding in in andin 7 admiration their charms consist in in their sensibility each incident every person every anvor word touches the lancy fancy ot of a spanish lady arid and her expressive features a aie re constantly S conf confuting the creed of the mong s I 1 emin but there is is bothi nothing quick harsh or forced about her she bhe is is extremely unaffected and not at all french her eyes ees gleam rather than thail sparkle she speaks with vivacity but in in i sweet tortes tones arid and there is is cinalt in all her carriage carnage particularly when she walks a ce ceriac ertain dignified grace which never deserts her and which is is v very ery remarkable tile the general beneral female dross dress in in spain is is of ablao black silk a pasquaina la and a black silk sha shawl shai I a mantilla with which they usually envelope elope their heads As they walk along with this costume in in the evening ning 11 with their soft dark eyes dangerously conspicuous you willingly believe in in their universal charms they are remarkable remark aUe for the beauty of their hair of this they are very ery proud piou dand and indeed it its luxuriance is is equalled equal led only by the attention which they lavish on oil its culture I 1 have seen a young oung girl of fourteen whose hair reached her feet and was as glossy as the curl of a contessa all day long even the lowest order are brushing curling and arranging it A fruit woman has her hair dressed with as muli much care as the duchess of ossuna assuna in tile the summer they do riot not wear ivear their mantilla over their heads but show their combs com bs which are of a very great size size the fashion of these combs varies constantly F tant ly every ev ery two or three months you may observe e a new form it is the part of the costume of which a spanish spania woman is is most proud the moment that a new com comb b appears even ev en a servant sen ant wench will run to the melters with her old one ard and thus at the cost of a dollar or two appear tile the next holiday in in the new newest est style ltv ie these combs are worn w orn at the back of the head they are of tortoise tor toisa shell and with the very fashionable they are white I 1 sat next to a lady of high distinction at abdull a bullfight bull fight at seville she was the daughter in law of the captain general of tile the province me 6 and the most b beautiful spaniard aro lv I 1 ever ev er met lot with comb was and she w wore ore a min cintilla tilla of blonde v without doubt extremely valuable for it was very dirty the effect however was charming her hair was glossy black blace her 05 eyes es like an antelopes and ill all her other features deliciously soft she shew was as further adorned which is is rare in in spam spain with witha a rosy cheek for in in spain our heroines are rather sallow but they counteract bract this slight defect by b y ne I 1 I 1 e ae er r appearing I 1 ng 0 until try alight 11 1 which call them from their bowers bower fresh though languid from the late siesta the only fault of the spanish beauty la I 1 that she too soon dudul indulges mes in in the magnificence ence of embonpoint embon point there are however many e exceptions options at seventeen een a spanish beauty ac is is poetical tall lithe and clear and graceful as a J jennet enne t who can withstand with the summer lightning of her sot soft and languid glances A As S s he C e advances advance sif if aho do hot loose her shape she resembles juno rather than venus majestic macea ic ahe lie ever ei er is is and if her feet be less t inkling than in in her first bolero look on oil her hand ind 5 aull forgive e them all B disraeli m in coniah contarina ina reining fleming |