Show american PASSPORT disregarded dl BY AN government sa jilt entrican Ene rican citizen impressed into the prussian ervice we learn from our corre correspondent spon dent it at berlin fays a the norfolk argus that ex governor G governor joseph josa A IVri right ht united states minister to pr prussia us 9 is now corresponding with the administration upon a highly important subject bothin nothing less than the violation of our passport pas ports by the gon government to which lie ho is is accredited it seems an american citizen has 1 as been seized by the prussian ian government and made to serve in in the army aun this man mail is is a native e of prussia but migrated to tile the united states some aa v cars a ago 0 o was naturalized served in m the Alex mexican ican war ar with v ith honor and distinction and was v as wounded in in several battles A few years ago lie he returned to prussia for the purpose of visiting his relations when he was seized as i a prussian pruss an subject and made to serve in in the prussian aminy arm cut off from his wife children and property ill m his a adopted adopt e d country another case an ali old man ninety years of age who alho emigrated to the united states when lie he was ten years ears of age married an american lady and is is the father of seven children thus spending eighty years ears of his life in in america the husband of an all american lady and the father of seven am american citizens returned two or three months since since to prussia on a visit to his rel relations relation atio is and by the merest accident escaped the seizure seizure of the prussian pruss an government for im pr ement into its arm aim with the aid of friends and excellent good in bucl |