Show rno 1 wr fr from the new orleans ric picayune ayune VID vidaurri DEFEAT ARRIVAL or OF THE GENERAL tho the geri gen rusl rusk brings in m specie the brownsville Brown Browns ville hag flag of the dinst has dates from victoria to the 30 h alt ft from om tampico to the ad int and from monterey to 10 tho the laih dinst the news c confirms oaf the accounts of a battle between the conservatives under Ali miramon ramon and the liberals under vidaurri in which the latter v were ere partially defeated vidaurri himself was 11 as not on the field when the engagement commenced and his army appears to have been attacked when least apprehensive of and least prepared for an attack tho the rumors at Browns brownsville ville were that the defeated army lost men killed 2000 2 prisoners and their artillery and provisions taken vidaurri himself in a dispatch of the alt dated hacienda des espiritu santo and addressed to the governor of nuevo leon and coahuila Coa huila acknowledges his defeat the conflict took place in in the vicinity y 0 of f th the e town of ahral us co and lasted from the to the 29 h alt Vidaur Vida urns ris dispatch was nas written under the impression that tl at the defeat was asa a total one hut but an express from monterey with dates to the dinst arrived matamoros Mal amoros on the h and rb reported that vidaurri had arrived at monterey on the esth insi and that tho loss sustained by his troops was not so 0 o great advas as i as reported athirst at first aso as a portion of the artillery and munitions monh forces force and the liberal army had made their retreat from the field of battlo battle in in good order the offic al paper of monterey states that geri gen vidaurri has already sent sen orders to the commander at tampico for another parl park of artillery v where here there is is a plenty to be had which will soon bo be on the field together with man many forces that are concentrating about vidaurri to renew the attack el crisma published in in tampico with date of the ad dinst says that col gua gu adalupe garcia who ho had recovered his healthy health would leave on that day for the interior in ith men of infantry and three pieces of artillery |