Show the complaint of a flea lit bit teti ten stranger 1131 mens cial nta wrangle 0 win interior inferior thing tho great onam their object lis even so F r let our anmer acht and it eaid I 1 ou our oilier iner healthful mci mcfolk olK aea I 1 to that sense se of 0 pain DEAR REA READER Irr did you 5 ou e ever er reflect how much iv vie e are in in the power po er of litile laile things little pleasures and little pains pain great ones are easily enough managed for there is is some sense 0 of f heroism in in brinki rig th the oil one w without being intoxicated and i in n draina draining g the othe cither r without beny being dis heartened little pleasures constitute the sunshine on daily paths the dew on garden flowers the sweet pleiad like influences about the heart indich diffuse joy without lui hout satiety and happiness with out excess are e the canker worm to the tree eating its life away like the fly in the bud destroying the flower well ivell of all the little annoyances peculiar to this meridian or locate THE FLEAS are undoubtedly the most vexatious and troublesome they are gregarious living in families and congregating cong ti n gr into little communities their rela distinct t i n e t lineal lineage e str stranger anler as I 1 am I 1 have not been ale able to I 1 learn earn but they evidently belong to the same tribe with whose relations I 1 have been somewhat acquainted for some eight years past in the atlantic states they are distin distinguish ed however by some marked peculiar ides they are arc smaller they are at al most suitable for glasses so diminutive are they therefore ordinary garments offer no stop or impediment to them they enter ones private apartments without knocking knockin knock in and they roam at large within with the most moat unmitigated freedom they are si smarter they are nimble as crickets crickets a thousand times more so they are aerial it in their motions they move with the wings of magic they are here I 1 there and ev everywhere ery where all in a moment 1 they are like the people with whom they inhabit unusually shrewd calculating and active they never lose any chances chance s to bite and they are altogether too smart to be caught their bill sare sharp as needles and as if their teeth had been filed into them so that they bite like shar harpers pers and leave as bad a behind them in somo comi comic G almanac al banac I 1 remember to have seen a picture of somebody sot hunting g fleas flea it was not a man mail if my memory serves but that is 13 not particular I 1 only noticed the wiy way in m which it was done and I 1 have hae tried it thoroughly ehly it ia of no use with this variety of aleas none at all for after one had got all his hi arrangements made for the operation it would require an 0 pera opera glass t to 0 find them and a poodle dog to catch them all ordinary prescriptions fail I 1 reme remember raber me of pennyroyal pennal but the smelt smell of it is is horrid I 1 thought of a cataplasm of or some unctuous substance which should entangle c their wings or embarrass their feet but the thing is is disagreeable lVin ding myself in in packthread or whipcord whip cord coid with beeswax bees dees wax in insinuated into the interstices occurred to me but this would be inconvenient then I 1 thought of en scaling myself in a regular waterproof vater proof flea fica proof drawer and shirt hirt arrangement but this was w as not practicable flea powders and other patent medicines came aito my mind but there are so many iwicke adulterations adulte rations in in these days that I 1 dared not expose my life to them and I 1 have ave found but one mode of managing managing them denude myself entirely of eller c ery stitch turn my habiliments w wrong rong side inner innermost and shake them most vehemently then turn them instantly again jump into them in in a trice securing properly e every ery inlet and aperture and keeping meantime a perfect commotion in in the air to prevent present their settling upon you ou I 1 was fortunate fortun ite in in discovering this mode of treatment which I 1 regularly practice in my room from seven seen to eleven times each day with the happiest success before this I 1 was tortured almost to death once I 1 had to leave i the he church before the ministers minister peroration was concluded because these in industrious dust rious little individuals were bal holding d in g high carnival in in my pantaloons lers legs the other oher day I 1 went into the rooms of the mens christian association to look over the files and had to leave in in the midst of a most edifying article upon the expediency of annex annexing irp mexico exico to uncle sams farm and the other night at christas Chri just as the renowned ethiopians were coming down upon the I 1 atlantic telegraph cable in in a most masterly manneb manner and aming P I 1 ng something exceedingly fu anny ab out cyrus IV field m my y perse i cuto s attacked me under the shoulder blades and nearly drove me from the entertainment I 1 do not like to tike take up tip too much time in in speaking of such annoy anno ances aimes ind aid it is la only as a kind of embellishment to tho the text which will be found in in shakespeare Shak speare I 1 that mens natures branle wrangle with ruth inferior things that I 1 nake make this t memorandum M em grand am in in my to log my own experience proves pro esit it true and and I 1 could almost say with ith the bard 1 11 I fly like a bird of the air in I 1 search sear c ii ot of a home and a rest A balm for the sickness ot of care are A bliss for a body ll I 1 forgot to speak of my nights then I 1 could make myself comfortable by taking proper precautions and enveloping em eloping my a occasionally opening it before I 1 should smother to get fresh air 1 I hope your readers dear alia voll ill excuse all these details and allow me recommend under similar circumstances the same course of treatment cosmopolite since I 1 the e present company entered II 11 seventy four in number september I 1 1858 have be been ell t thirty hirty five of chic thirty one were soldiers three c each women and one ordnance ser sergeant geantil |