Show U 4 4 district attorn attorneys ays eys address to the lie rand grand J jury atry in relation to treaon Trea may it please your honor gentleman of the grand permission ot of his honor Judge e sinclair I 1 a am permitted it here re publicly pub liely to g give ive you on the reasons reason bihy ihy as prosecuting at toi ney of the united states for this territory I 1 I 1 have presented before you no bills oi of i indictments i ft for treason at this court gentlemen of the grand jury in regard to the subject of ti eason cason as the same has bag been here given I 1 ou on in charge by the court there pre are certain pacts and circumstances of a public character bich abich must necessarily come to your knowledge kno Medge and govern goern your our action in in the premises as a grand in in aest and which must mile goi ern my actions and circumscribe I 1 my duties as the prosecuting attorney or of thy the e united states lor for this territory I 1 irenet to the proclamation ot the preside t of the tha united states to the people of utah on the subject ot of treason dated at the city u of washington apal ali lh 1558 and which I 1 have hers here in court as evidence be you it I 1 is here a witness and that it is such stich a paper j as aa proves rr oves I 1 itself I 1 IN will ill refer the court to I 1 2 bacans bacons ab 00 where niter clia it is said the he gazette is evidence of all acts ot of state also to 12 wood 8 state trials 2122 2 camp rep 44 tins this proclamation gentlemen of the grand jury is a state slate paper einar emanating tating from the high lih Exec e of the nation which in fit his Nv wisdom idom lie he lias has seen proper to publish to the nation and to the ibe inhabitants ot of utah whom hom it especially conceited conce ronce ined arid and of 0 which the attorney oi of the united states in his official capacity in the territory of utah must take notice and by ni which aich lie he must be governed 1 this territory belongs to the united states state and is subject to the control of the national Iva lional legi legislature slature and the president of the alie united states a ordinate coordinate co functionary of the national legislature by the nested in in him by the constitution and laws lais has issued this proclamation the I 1 he proclamation was brought to this territory by commissio commissioners appointed by the ame same high pow pom er and these commissioners in a public conference with the people of I 1 utah convened here in great salt lake city in in the month of june last for that special purpose then and there made its contents known know n a and nd published them to the thein inhabitants balbi tants of utah i these commissioners were ini invested L sted with authority to carry iiii ahti the tha or oe the proclamation they did it and re leturc tu rt t ed cd to their home the conditions especially set forth I 1 in tle u proclamation m ere accepted and ac in by the people of 0 nhom bhora they cot cor corned at that conference and at suase 8 11 b 4 bent u e n t conferences at provo and elsea elsewhere here on in t h t tei and tins this acceptance and acau acabi has bag bee been 1 further and fully evi evident deni t by the conduct and acts of the people si c that time the ibe conditions as expressed in in the pro 1 mation are clear clar cl ar di at d distinct and can adnia of no misunderstanding w the lari language guage Is 13 a a as I 1 J follows lol lops avow NO w We therefore 1 I james buchanan pro pre 13 ident ot of the united states hale haie thought proper to I 1 issue this my M joining upon all public officers in ill the learh berr very tory ot of to be diligent and faithful to tile the f full ull extent of 0 their PON power cr in n tile the exu ebu tion ol 01 the laws comm di g a all 11 citizens of the united states in sa said L d terr doiy to aid and assist the olli cers in the pe rf their duties to tile the I 1 inhabitants abitanta abi tants oi utah who shall submit to the lav laws s a free par dou for tile the seditious an d treasons trea sons by b y the those ulio ito shall pie ples aller notice of this proclamation 1 in the present rebellion reb ollion against the states that they fiust expect no larther 1 lei ity ily but look to oo oe rigorously dealt with ac LOI 1 d ding ing to then their desens desei is bhae in these conditi conditions olo since that time hati hare been adl addward eard to 10 and cal I 1 led out lutui M the conduct and acts of oi the people ot of utah I 1 hake hae no ea eide idenie to the conrat y nabat b ever n may lay have been the stall of public affairs in this territory benoie bedol e at ethdl tune tittle seth sedi eions treasons trea sons and I 1 agaL against lISt the ani ted led states blates ceased alter notice noti ot of till pi ocla 6 mation had been glen to and and ac sisceil uis ceil in by tile people os of the ferr tory of utah j bov governor arnor cumming Cam ming in in his bis proclamation I 1 t bearing date tile the 14 1 t day ot of june J ones 1858 at great salt lake city v with ith the goal Bealo of tuie the j li territory and bicht is now herein here ili court 1 1 and chica pi ocla mation is pro provided aided on that tha 1 Is a oj of the president Pies ident and its acceptance and alid ac tr r uie sence in ili by the inhabitants ot of b bliahu lah 12 ji 0 speaking pe a king ol of the pi ill residents esi dents pi te lit i uses language the proffered cd paiden pal alii ads lv as accepted wa g the terms of the by 0 th the e citizens ol of utah A 11 peace is restored to our 2 1 these gent gentlemen lement or of the grand J jury ry ate are facts announced by the high v e of aicer ot of the tern ory in a solemn Iro rroLla clarria ma tiomi t to 0 the people and ana they are to be I 1 ecenia as ag e evidence ot of tile the public condition ot of tit alir country over N which he heo iso ably and v vigilantly ig ilant ly presides and that they are as true noir ana since that time as then no man hasdel has d tiled med therefore gentlemen of 0 the grand buiji ury it only remains lor for me to say tor for the reasons given SM en that there are now no adur ot of or rebellion against the Governa fent of the united state in this terri tory aich the prosecuting attorney of the united states lor for tho lri dents proclamation and pardon before be beni 11 and the go governors er norlis solemn announced en 0 its accept acceptance ane can charge belore before 3 IB against any ot of the inhabitants of this audi ud u 1 cial district or 0 ot the territory of utah I 1 |