Show ig arom PEO ARIZONA An iZONA J F edd eddy esq of arizona territory arria arm ed at los angelos august 30 says a the star by whom it learns tl the e following inte interesting particulars respecting the present C condition ondi tion and prospects of the above country arizona 1 territory is is rapidly settling up but the people complain for the want ot adequate protection promotion altho although ugh the I 1 indians n are rot very cry bad ad they ha ve e lately latel ran off some stock the sierra colorado Co orado or boston corn com piny pan is is I 1 located ten miles from the conra sopra mine and twenty niles from tubac aubac it is isalio also a silver mine and the ore is is iery er rich but they have not been successful in in their operations the great difficulty is is to construct furnaces to shelt t the h e ore in tins this particular they have not been successful stul K experiments pen peri ments involving a very large laige amount of money have been made without obtaining a satisfactory result the com company pany have now resolved to adopt t crushing and amalgamating and for that purpose they the have hai procured the machinery in in san francisco francico major is is the president of the company and sir mr lathrop I 1 treasure Irei surer r and these gentlemen genelen ien have hav e lately gone down to th the mine mii e for the purpose of hav ing the machinery erected orcutt d which it it is is expected vill ill the expectations of the proprietors the company C kompany have hae made in de great gra improvements 3 in in the vicinity of their mine A village billage has sprung in into to existence occupied by the workmen of the company the 1 he company companas Comp anys s off offices lice and establishment are at aubac tubac which is la being rapidly i improved improve ed in in consequence of the operations of the company their mine is is rich and very extensive and it is is to bo be worked in in the very best manner I 1 they hey have two furnaces fu in in operation which are not sufficient for their wants ij Aless rs thompson and findley ai adley hav have 0 a silv silver er mine eighty miles from tuason in ill tile the sinta santa cruz valle valley in fact the whole country abounds avit with h mines of silver copper and other valuable ores |