Show 0 gt major dodge indian agent for carson valley has been in our city for the last few days making arrangements for his hi s mi mission s s ion he has a large extent of country and numerous tribes of in III ini i deans to attend to but as he has been accustomed to frontier life and is familiar aar with the indian habits and character he may not meet with much difficulty from them ile he intends at the earliest moment to select and establish suitable reservations and by judicious manage management keep the indians in subjection they need protection are nearly destitute are submissive and disposed to be friendly major D has visited some of them and informed them of his intentions which greatly delighted them ile he has promised to keep us ts informed of bis success among them ile he has not had time to estimate their numbers or have much communication with them ile he antici pates no trouble who h have ave any y but the sho things lying 11 ar iodination around 0 u Idi mation nation to tako take lain iain democrat maun |