Show sold we were ere somewhat startled yesterday ye by a friend aho vho N lie dropped in in and with a most malicious I 1 manner propounded propound cil to us the following L interrogatory if a man stands upon the jordan bridge brida and cast a stone in the river jordan it becent it nut not recognizing any particular 1 virtue girtue in in the waters vaters of the jordan that would change the character of either a store stone or cr a man we e caved 11 12 and in our simplicity acan acknowledged owl edged the corn ard and sought for information when quietly turning upon his heel with a deep charal voice he enlightened our understanding by im forming us that it i become act 11 the gentleman mho perpetrated this enjoys tolerably ably good health ard and is is not in the least ashamed to speak to his ar acquaintances V abi I 1 as u usual sual |