Show morite tle valley tan it A Piet picture tire th i MB EDITOR the other day in reach bi i the new cw testament or of jesus Cl cloist ilist 1 isonio I polut times read the thelsen new as m veil ell as old I 1 lm struck shack 1 dutli I fill the hollowing lol fol lowing loing passage in the general epistle of st judo jude the apostle i I 1 jude the servant of jesus christ ari 1 brother ot of james to them that are santi sant ifil fc i by god tile the rather ind and preserved ia jess 4 christ and called I 1 ft 2 mercy unto into you and peace and love 3 beloved alien I 1 gie gave all diligence i etc unto you 5 on of the common salvation oi t as needful tor for me to blite its unto you you on al you that ye should earnestly or the thet faith aith naich was once delner deli vereil ed it ii i the he saints 4 r or there are certain moil men crept in aware ho mere ere before of old ordained ordain ei this condemnation ungodly mend men tur turning nning grace of our god into lasciviousness and d ag nying t the e only lord god and our lord jes J christ h is t 5 I 1 will therefore put you in in rem it though ye e once knew this how t that hat th tile 2 t having saved the people e out cat or of the land laii I 1 sapt afterward cestr destroyed oyed th thein tra that lieven not ta 6 and the angels w inch abich kept not their ir estate t ate hut but left their own habitation lie he le hwi hi 1 re served reserved in avei lasting chains under dabi daik ak unto into the judgment of the gi cicat picat cat day da 7 even el en as sodom and gomora ila ami cities about them in in lik like e marri marriar cr gl gi themselves oer to fertil fornication cation and g after Bt trance ranse flesh are set act forth foi or an ai ample 6 the vengeance of alte f fire re 8 likewise also these filthy dreamers amen d the flesh despise domi dominion tilon witness the in echo kanyon and speak L of dignities 11 1 call to mind the filthy dirty Ian languis that prophet of 0 god and Seer Se erl ll sri isri young and the application of his hand hat certain parts ol of his body ili in the pre preset edict ii k abe the pea peace c 0 commissioners thus bestif testifying testify ing ini k contempt antin 1 t toi the president ot of the li states slates also the statement of t that t 1 apostle lorenzo t that h t the prod 1061 J tion or of the president of t the e united at S was not fit to I 1 cannot write words without a hoathi loathing 9 of ysela ther therefore v ill not lint bat these speak evil of those things IV they know not how little is 13 known IT 1 10 territory of the bible le br of our C coa 10 tion laws lain s and the respect which is A u legitimate not usurped author authority aut honry iry ito but u they know naturally as brute beas toxin tl things they corrupt themselves ies I 1 for instance the beastly I 1 I 1 her ber kimball from the pulpit and the do 0 which the tl e bishops in their visits broor to liobe teach to the mothers ot of childr 4 must mast i instruct their daughters daughters they t that their bic of fies ln in bearing ats ring SL as s to the lie rl have gone in IV unto them for they 0 secret murders how many y P caal aar yay al of T have been committed in this thia ter greedily af after ter the error of manaran Ta and naran ran citory rein nard ard ba balaam laam was slain ba be ill for the children of israel to T ause he cai timbers s chap xv 31 and boredom hor edom in i the gainsaying gain saying of col coic e core or perished dathan and Ab abiram irani numbers chap xo oro h r 1113 ainsa cd the true prophets of gou god and aaron and the consequence was boses ws they anti and all their adherents were bat ed up of the earth I 1 brigham youn young g and jo aed apostles say as korali said to moses nil d alron that good crristian ristian cb ri ministers the scarth take too much upon ji melves to prea pi each clithe the gospel that they and rone are of the inest hoods and yet eathey they have eliav made it rant pant rait pait it as the woon noon day sun tit in the heave heavens us that icy are the most corrupt impure pretenders pretend ets to in w the world with moses n m e would say to all the hon eat st minded sous of the mormons cormons depart of these wicked aed ironi the tents you ou I 1 pray and touch nothing of theirs lest ye be pen w unsullied in in all their bills these are spots our feasts fasts of charity ahen they beast itou feeding themselves without fear W clouds they are confident they are rod 01 r h how 0 v hout vater carried about of winds of their fertilizing spiritual hen an in idenie al influences trees whose fi huit uit wit hereth fruit except the fruit of sodom mit bout I 1 j ice dead plucked up tip by the roots raging cs of ill the sea foaming out their own faiia ai shame tor for instance brighams Brig hams and apostle anos itlay authy language in in regard to the pre aident of 0 the united baates hebor kimballs Kim balls str sermons mons arid and the bishops instructions of vitor whoredom edorn sc S c ac wandering stars to ahorn is resen ed the blackness of darkness dark nesa forcier for fo reier ver these are complainers walk jum ID arter after their olvia 0 n lusts oil oh how bow doleful haie haie been their complaints ag against the government of f the united states which has treated them just as it has every other terri tern ory tory froia from the foundation of the state and trio complaint vas inas ever before made an anil d their mouth speak eth great sto swilling clUng sis cords brighams Ung Brig hama hams letter for instance last jau all to col alexander in in which lie he was 0 pleased to say he i bould be merciful meraj ul to the army for a en tai a period pi provided 0 i ded th they ey gave ga ve altheir arms but 1 if f by spring they were not gone lie be would mould surely annihilate them I 1 ahat a true prophet and seer lie he is is I 1 surely heis bels to be belibei believed ed in ho could not be a pc pophet popl phet ieti havin having mens liens persons persona in admiration mi because of advantage brigha Br ighani holds the ley key of heaven as m well ell as of the territory ile he is is prophet seer revelator trustee in ti list and president of the church charch throughout the world how modest ili his 18 pretensions I 1 there is a set that admire sim tin in his as sumptuous because thereby they putiri gain in their estimation great ni ili efa t to their la lawless less lusts and besides they come in occasionally toi for a share sports eat b loved remember ye tie the winds wid which m acie ere spoken before of the apostelos apos lela of our lord jeoug christ ilow how that they told you there should be mockers j in p the last time who nillo should walle afier their the own godly lusts these are they who s sev rolt theme ices dres not the spirit the mormons cormons call ei every cry body gent iles except es that ahat is is they are in ili the comple test sense buta but e beloved building up yourselves on your most moat holy faedi ing in the holy gh ghost ost keep your our elfin ef in the love of 0 god looking lor for the mercy of 0 our f lord jesus christ unto eternal life ind adof of some soine have compassion making a dit dif lerenia le renie e and others sai save e with fear pulling ilcin he out of the fire batill hating even the g atu meat by the flesh us hope that e are nany many upon w ilon horn this cila compassion can be shown sho n and let all rig i minded blinded true heal hearted ted philanthropists and ch fians try to save such a hila ha tin tb the e garments spotted with the corruption A BELIEVES BELIEVER I 1 IN N tue THE AS WELL EIL AS TIIE OLD I 1 |