Show INSECTS AT moo MONO LAIE the OR inosa gazelle in in giving givin an account of mono lake says sa s around its whole circumference is is found an insect not quite as large as the common house fly which lays its eg eggs s in in the sand near the water or in in it which in in due course of time produces a small frysalis cry salis of brackish bra cLish appearance half aalf an inch in in length and about the size size of a common bro broom straw these are produced by the he million and the wave waie motion of the water cast them on the t h e shore in in rolls from one to five inches in diameter in this state the indian squaws squads scrape them into baskets and sift out the sands they are then spread on the beach and allowed to dry every section of country had their chrysalis grounds distinctly marked so that there could be no intrusion and so far as I 1 could ascertain the lines were sacredly 0 observed these insects constitute a large majority of what the indians cat an and d I 1 do not think it an overestimate over 0 er estimate to assert that they had gathered no less than bushels which lay in in heaps heap 1 around the lake just think of it 60 miles covered with insects and you ou at once see that the production is prodigious |