Show central overland mail our placerville Pla cervillo erville correspondent sends send us is a copy of the subjoined sub joined petition to Com congress combess ress and informs inform us that it is is now beah being generally circulated through el dorado county and will probably p receive the signature of everybody who sees it we commend the petition to the attention of the citizens citizens of the state especially ally those of the central portion of it who are more particularly interested in in tho the central road across the continent to the IU honorable the senate and house of representatives of the united states slates i of america the undersigned undersigner under signed citizens of in the state of california deeply im impressed 1 assed with the imperative necessity af f aa intimate and speedy mail connect 11 ion with our r friends in in the atlantic and believing be vin as we do that if ur mr honorable bodies will increase increase the eates a ail serce between st joseph in the late missouri and tho the city of placer billj alle ia thi this state so as to give a tri tn ree jreilly y mai mail 1 cal each h w way ri tween tho thoe e caces this laudable end can can be accod laed t therefore her ore respectfully and earn ady ly 1 petition tit i our honorable hono able bodies to ae e such such action in in the matter as the c exe frencies ies of the cise case may demand it is is a well known fact that for the t nine cane I 1 years ears the central route to ie e pacific via tia salt lake city has e een en and still is ia the great thorough re of immigration to california chatin dation to being the best natural road for e same distance on the globe it is is al supplied with a continuous meadow nutritious grasses glasses upon which count p As thousands of animals subsist during b ae e annual hegira 1 I moreover the counties of el dorado lid pd sacramento have hai 0 appropriated and bended i in in the construction of good owl wa on road over tho the sierra nedas IT from placerville erville to carson iral Y that work is is now completed and probably one of tho the best mountain ads on the continent already a mag tic telegraph line is is being rapidly ted abon route to salt bait lake it ty comfort comfortable abre stations and resting aces are arc being established at proper iter intervals vals on the road arid and although the resent iet nail mail contractors have ha e im had an a remely limited period in in which to i for the service the 4 ails now reach california with surpik suran g regularity e arity 91 the he above reasons and from a 1111 n ledge dedge of what has already been 1 r c hed we are convinced that in jn ss thin than two years ears from the present presen t U w e the jhc malls mails can be carried over 0 or this I 1 t te ill m fifteen days das ee traveling time 0 therefore earnestly solicit that you ai y increase the speed so as to run I 1 i A to agh gh in in twenty fit five e days and there as M in in dt preparing the way for a me r y expeditious transit at an early alto Il to i that lat your honorable bodies perceive and appreciate the great g reat nal importance of a a more speedy u frequent ire quent communication between widely separated possessions Posses jons we phally urge the your early and favorable consideration and your petit petitioners petition loners ers will ever pray ac alto california |