Show r T ano c D E ibi blufard BLUFF rD 1 ai I ter Aing lische so vale aleas as youse said wiggles giggles guide round antwerp and to proa which aich assertion ser tion lie he at once commenced an elaborate gilt gingerbread description of some grand gra na ecclesiastical procession ft which inch takes place annually through tile lie streets of that most pious city cit blavin lading heard him carefully through avi wiggles les of Skene apolis epolis who H h 0 that n orning morning nas inas substitution segars at twenty five cents belgium currency each for ca cavendish andish said to him you youarda are area a good catholic 1 I hobes bobes so responded the guide alices commissionaire alias de place then spoke out wigg wiggles jes of ilenea polis 1 I a am to understand thit that this pro cessina cession is nothing more than a regular forty deck bender bende r with ith saw bucks bucl s for antes the guide aps as pot not crushed ile he hung out to speak Firl english glish arid and rather than acknowledge that wiggles was as too much for him he ae instantly said aid zat izzat ees beet now 0 o 0 ve o must hurry tozo to ze Moose oom m I 1 |