Show additional tl bioni oreg the following edg intelligence from the seat beat ot of the indian war we find findan in the portland stan dard of the dinst I 1 the troops of col wrights column have returned to fort walla walla and the artillery battalion under command of captain keyes is already in march on this post en ea route for fort vancouver where three companies will remain for the present the other three companies will possibly be be sent to california that is is orders are issued directing such a movement alter after the troops hall had passed to this side of snake river river on the mornin morning of the ad dinst the yakima ch chic ef aubi father faler of chien having having attempted to escape was mortally v bounded up to this time of his hia futile attempt he be had appeared contented with his duress he seized the occasion vl when hen gainly separated from the command and in charge e alone of morgan third artillery to male a dash through the bushes morgan however follow following ln h him im p promptly and with three shots severely aou wounded him and his bis horse at the same time private behn of ell E troop F cirit arst dragoons came caire up and gave 0 aubi coup de debace gr ace in the way of a shot through the head bead from which he died in in two hi 0 hours thus has perished another of the chief malcontents al cOntents and another summery inteli p gible lesson has been taught to t the indian mind in relation to the consequences of resistance to our authority the remains of capt taylor and gaston have been burica at walla walla with military honors the expedition has thus returned after so 60 signally brilliant a campa campaign imn with the loss losa of but two tw 0 men accident accidentally lly poisoned and a dragoon horse and about mules from the quarter of rort fort simcoe we learn with treasure pleasure of an occurrence of moment another link in in the chain of success michel the nephew of Kam Ka maiLin aikin and leading in 2 murderer of bolon the indian agent m 19 1803 53 has been captured by major garnett f and is is now in in the guard house bouse at fort sim ai coe soon on we trust to expiate by the cord cordroy for that iou and Inu insider ider I 1 |