Show treason this is n a subject of grave consideration and involves es the integrity of this people and their loyalty to our institutions institution they aare beai e Iro fesse d publicly and challenged challenged tion of their loyalty loval y to our go er ament deriving tint that they have ever acted the part pa f trait irato 0 rs and calling for the proof till thi we ve propose to furnish fur niah and if v we e do v dri prove them hm h m guilty of having committed committe rf reason 16 in 1 N constitutional interpret ati then evill westill abandon the field we e la barown rown the fact in the broadest form that om the records ot of nien nen holding high pa potions inthe in the church that they are anemi to the government of the united state ind tad hold lt it m in sovereign sc con tempt of E their own mouths will ill we cond cordew them it maybe may be pot possible sible that the naf faw are not ot to blame but that leaders in church have hava been guilty of outrages both bo A in vi word Ord and deed outraging the sov of the government of the th united states we ire not only charge 1 but it make it in in answer to tile the propounded by the church or ean an in in a latif bate issue A communication communication in the third number 0 of our taper paper pointed out where the overt act of treason had been committed nay it went farther and charged murder and telo felony i to this thre there hasteen has been no response even cen after a challenge was publicly thrown down and accepted with a trickery that is is eminently characteristic of the ecclesiastical I 1 beir lie archy that seems to control the people of I 1 this his territory not one thing can be elicited and yet e the audacity to prate about patriotism ind and love lore fora for a flag which they have haie insulted and loyalty to a government i eichin their hearts they despise th p fact that the president althe of the united states sates has graciously pardoned crimes which bring raea men to the gallows does not militate mil itata against the fact that it once existed a and nd cs ca sa so m when be ri under we llie very ery coven cover of that act of grace the organ defiantly challenges in an investigation mi As we before stated the was taken up in our third number and w we e intend i to pursue it to show the rove love that is is felt for the am anier lean kan republic we subi lit a the bolln following ing ext e tic fac ic ac talen taken from the Even ei endig lr Mlle cal i bodied in in a communication recently pub I 1 lisha slid in that paper mormon for american I 1 jav hiis ami the flip old approaches to england Eng at this time m when hen it is believed by many that the mormons intend to move from this territory it if any action is talen taken by congress in regard to polygamy or if they tl ey re cuseto tuse to admit utah as a state I 1 deem it kotun not un interesting to quote tire following passage from a memorial presented to queen victoria in 1847 lythe bythe cormons mormons S in aten gland I 1 copy co py from a A mormon lorreen book co published in liverpool by 1 franklin D It Ichards one of the twelve apostles postles cs and edited by james lin forth entitled route front from liverpool to great gnat salt like lake balley alley Vast rated chapter 2nd and your memoria lists believe that your our majesty cherishes the wish and they pray our 0 ir majesty AIa jesty to exert all that constitutional influence and power which will effectually effee accomplish their removal to t the he distant shores of a country the natural resources ot of which are waiting to be developed devel opeil to reward the hand 0 of 1 industry and to fill v with ith plenty thousands that wander here at present without employment and consequently v wilhoit amt bread your lour memoria lists are not lest aware than bour majesty that the government go eminent of the ton united rg ted states is doing much to favor the settlement of its territories on the w western estern coast anderen and even to settle territory now in dispute between it land and the Ki public of mexico while therefore the united states do manifest such a strong inclination not only to extend and enlarge their possessions in the west yv eat but also to people them will not 3 your oar majesty look well to british inte in teats tests in in those regions and adopt timely and treasures measures to maintain a balance of power in in that quarter parter which in in the opinion of your memoria lists Is destined at no very d distant ayour tant period to participate largely in in the china trade 2 your memoria lists therefore humbly but earnestly supplicate supplicate your majesty to take the present afflicting I 1 inting condition of your subjects into your prompt and gracious consideration era tion and to interpose your royal aid as ai far as it may be constitutionally rendered to provide p ovide means for the emigration of your memoria lists m who ho are notable to provide for tb themselves ems el i e sto s to give th them em employment employs en t in in 1 im m pm pj oving ing the harbors of those countries or in erecting posts of defence or if this be inexpedient in to furnish them provisions and finans of subsistence until they can c an produce them for the soil As aa a preface to this mo memorial morial I 1 find the to at the beginning of the chapter O owin on n to t the tbt of emir emigration atiDa to |