Show the mayors court t proceedings 9 on last aday and saturday I 1 w we e cd before this tribunal aga against alls aleser charles charlei A kinkead IV II if if 11 rall fall and limuti sanders mendenhall dr ON ey join joh n for an ailed alleged od disturbance of the peace I 1 ac A fine was imposed upon mr air kinkead and mr rail fall and a 1 no ol 01 pros entered in the case or of mr I 1 As m we e were ere present and heard a all II 11 the tes timohty ti timon morty we ne take it upon t to 0 say th that at I 1 no proof whatever aval ft as elicited to justify the imposition of any penalty horev er small and thit that although etwas in in it do docs es not therefore follow follme it na john mendenhall one 0 of f the the defendants was Is graciously allow w ed to go free as according to admissions made he do boio to nothing yet w was as kno knocked ked down and hospi ably taken to the if mendenhall was has thus brutally treated without any cause or provocation the presumption will natu naturally ally arise and nd that sanders who was felled to the earth by the blow of a dub club and dr covey N who he was shot were more s nned against than sinning 11 Is it an offence offense in tins this city for a party of gentlemen to meet together in in a house in in a social reunion arid and must they submit to being cor balled by the police m who he patrol around it t and an d spot it as if it wasa was a rendezvous for counterfeiters counterfeit oar ers D eiery ery good citizen should do all ili in his big power to maintain the dignity and peace odthe of the community but in in this in instance although the jud ment of the court would by implication throw tile tha wron aronin a one direction yet the facts show that two of the defendants were knocked down and another shot while hile not one of the police was hurt we e like conas consistency tency and especially esperi ally in in C coarts 0 g and by t this his rule we arraign the municipal nicita tri tribunal una that sets in in j judgment upon the errors and frailties real or supposed of the inhabitants inhabit aits of this corporation on the very this difficulty occurred in in compary with secretary hartnett we ie were walking quietly down the street m when hen we w e wj were c interrupted by a body of armed policemen li cemen some gome sen been en or eight in in rumber number will vi ith do double able barrelled barrel led shot guns gung and who he cocked them m when hen w m thin a few te feet of them and one of the number discharged a pistol as lie he alleges accidentally and we are willing to do him the justice to acknowledge that we ie believe it was vas for he be swore sw ore he w u as badly scared they stationed themselves upon the tout foot path and mr am walked rato ip to their guns gang arid and demanded not cot only the cause of the 1 outrage outa gc but the name of the man 1 who he had fired and thy they stood sullen and L nute mute capt sharp m he by the bye we believe e to be a good officer and an honest man was promptly fly on the ground and took the man m who he shot into custody tins this was a menace ai assault of the most offensive e character and we laid the matter before the mayor under oath we are in informed that be h reprimanded the parties arid and that is is alt alf ilie the penalty imposed in posed we submit the two cases c isea in in contrast and submit them as a sample of ju justice slice |