Show I 1 sold gold out ont A late number ot of the san francisco everin 1113 bulletin Bl clin harges barges in plain and distinct terms that the alta california 11 has haa been bean purchased by the cormons mormons iio Mor mons we e have had our suspicions of the alta aita for sometime past their co rr front from thia city ith one exception only oily were inere spies sent gert here expressly to bow the cring crini ent rent hinges of the fre knee and they certainly sh ed their purpose ind and fulfilled their mission the exception ex cerion we M e allude to among this alta alia gars gang IS 19 nr nhoc now ow deputy marshalin this connection we will ste state that one of these same correspondents correspond ants recently report rei ort ed to the st joseph josep i journal M in to the U S district court now in in session that the panel of the gland gi and jury ji ry was as composed of ct wagon masters and teamsters where inhere he got his information e do not know but we presumed that lie he manufactured it the name of 0 this correspondent cor it of the alta is WALLACE V ALL ICE arid afie tf e allegation is is simply a lie |