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Show Newcomers Thought They Would Not Like Salt Lake; Now, They Are Among City's Most Hearty Boosters a i ... A 'vv Canyons, Historic Lore -Prove Outstanding Attractions Editor's Bate: Every day aww families are moving to Salt Lake tit jr. Meet ef them have hi tor-rating tor-rating ebeervmtleaa to make aa their aew heme am, BeUevtag that Halt Lakers weaM like ts get acquainted wHh tec newcomers new-comers sad external the city- hospitality to the new arrtvale. The Telegram today beglaa aerlea ef articles eatltled "Meet the Fetka." thought for a number ot years he would Uke to live In Utah. And now, after a short time In Salt Lake City, he likes It even better than he thought he would. The Rev. Mr. Stewart, pastor of the Centenary Methodist church, came here from ll-.i Palisade, Colo, IVieer on an exchange . 1 - of pulpits with ne the Rev. Elbrldge r 11 . M. Gordon. With r 0 1 KS Mrs. Stewart and their daughter, Leona Bell Stewart, Stew-art, a student at Westminster college, col-lege, he lives at 1721 Seventh East street. . Although the Rev. Mr. Stewart was enthusiastic over coming to Utah, Mrs. Stewart did not share his enthusiasm, remembering the state as "mostly a desert" from the several times they had passed through. But she "fell in love with Salt Lake City Immediately." particularly the nearness and beauty of the canyons. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, both of whom are slender, gray haired and active, have five daughters and one son, but only the one daughter came to Salt Lake City with them. They have four grandchildren. The Rev. Mr. Stewart finds his recreation In reading, particularly poetry. He writes an occasional poem and often quotes famous poets In his sermons. Although kept busy with her household duties and work Incident Inci-dent to being a minister's wife, Mrs. Stewart manages to find a little time for her favorite recreationsneedlework recrea-tionsneedlework and trips to the canyons. Characterized by her mother as a "sleepy head," Leona Bell lists her favorite recreations as sleeping sleep-ing and swimming. Another of the Rev. Mr. Stewart's Stew-art's recently acquired recreations Is studying the history of Utah pioneers, having discovered he is distantly related to some of the state's first settlers. FOLKS,, MEET THESE FOLKS, NEWCOMERS TO YOUB CITY Leona Bell Stewart, left; her father, the Rev. Jack Stewart, and mother, Mrs. Stewart 1 |