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Show Y. W. C. A. Tea Highlights Club Activities; Business Girls' Club Names Officers W. G. Ssdleir Jr., Mrs. Cslvin W. Rswllngs and Mrs.' Wootton. Arrangements were msde by Mrs. G. M. Southwick and Mrs. Rawlings. Elect Officers Members of the Junior Business Girls' club gsthered Monday svening sve-ning st the Newhouse hotel to elect officers for ths yesr. Chosen ss president of the group was Miss Jsne Allemsn. Other oaficers Include Miss Merit Mer-it a ret A. Sandall, vice president; Mrs. Hssel G. Bertsgnole, secre- j Itary: Miss Marjorie Groesbeck( assistant secretary; Miss Nora Eekmeyer, tressurer; Miss Nsn B. Evsnt. sasiitsnt treasurer, and Miss Ruth Ceck, historian. Annual Tea Slated Mrs. Henry H. Blood. 603 Esst South Temple street, Is general chsirman of the Chi Omega Mothers' Moth-ers' club tes. which will be given on October 21 In the ballroom at the Union building on ths University Univer-sity of Utsh campus. The affair is an annual event of ths club, and assisting Mrs. Blood In msking srrangements are active members of ths sorority snd a committee of the mothers' club members. By THE CXITB EDITOB Highlighting the club activities of the week is the tea being given Tuesdsy afternoon and svening at the Y. W. C. A. clubhouse. 322 Esst Third South street, in honor of Miss Pesri Pollock, who is visiting vis-iting this country on furlough from her duties in China as secretary of the Y. W. C. A. there. The membership committee, Mrs. R. A. Glenny, chairman, la sponsoring spon-soring the affair, and receiving hours are from 4 to I p. m. and T to 9 p. m. Miss Pollock, who is on her way back to China for another three years, expects to travel far Into West China to resume her duties. First, she will visit Shanghsi, where the headquarters of the national na-tional Y. W. C. A. of China are located. -and Chefoo, a prewar rural center. Pouring at tha tea this sfter-noon sfter-noon were Mrs. James A. Hogls and Mrs. Burton W. Musser. Asked to preside this evening are Miss Caroline Parry and Miss Ethel F. Msddux. A musicsl program is being presented pre-sented by Mr. and Mrs. S. Ralph Coleman, Miss Irene J. Holmes and Miss Jsne Ellen Cunnighsm.- Cclebrate Birthday Deep yellow marigold and scarlet autumn lesves formed attractive decorations at the annual birthday dinner of the Booklore club, held Mondsy evening In the president's suite at ths Hotel Utah. Colorful pottery vases filled with English ivy were favors for the members. Mrs. J. Tracey Wootton gave the history of the club, snd Mrs. Rulon J. Sperry, president, addressed ad-dressed ths gathering. A musical program wss presented by Mrs. |