Show city and bounty bottini MINK owneta can get exemption blanks correct forms from skelton A co provo file one on each blaime tf tabernacle choir on the dinst HOLIDAY goods at the excelsior pharmacy t you been santa claue everything areah and hest at carl Oster lohs FRUIT growers and bee keepers can get their supplies at the lowest prices at geo W mill pro vo city REMEMBER the poor for they are al waya with ua CASH for shelled corn by the provo milling co I 1 ALL the latest dainties at carl oster lohs KINDLING wood cheap at smoot Sp affords coal yard CALL at G D glaziers and examine the tine line of bucks new ranges which arc daisies dressmaking and sewing done by the day by miss nora two blocks cast of the roberta house am ORGANS for eale cheap at the batee furniture COB store and among a second band one of good quality belaine IN spending conr earnings these hard thinea call at bolliard Bos liard and get the full worth of your money FAMILY washing 5 cents par pound at the troy steam laundry of KINDLING WOOD for sale at provo cita lumber co delivered to any part of the city telephone 31 or P 0 box has done an unusually big trade in overcoats over coata the last week the trade haa been excellent with this season paint 1 paint I 1 paint ready mixed paints at ward sona 1 per gallon can A GOLD watch fine aase and 10 pattern of wall paper to our customers on xmas call and bee at the excelsior pharmacy t STOP at 0 D glaziers for stoves manees hollowware and t A SOCIAL party will be given on wednesday night next is the first ward assembly hal under the auspices of the sunday school of the first ward finest stock of hanging and stand lamps just received by the gate furni atre co CALL at C D glaziers bior denotes fellona fel loea rims tongues hardwood t WANTED to trade improved pro norta in for honea and lot in provo W D GULICK at hateam laundry lea ane firemen yive one of their popular bills at the hall tomorrow evening atie will corkish cor Kist oi ten pic r t tickets will only be ane H 0 ota hen neatly pro acla h pared fora s reliable alwaes prepared n cae carpet averY we beavery make arst i 11 the times all kha 0 day res 11 idenie carner of E t dlhau in contractors can pave koiv 7 their orders for mill work ea mickela provo butali f Il lOvo READY made suits at FINE confectionery choice cigars and tob ictus prea ente from loc to 10 at the excelsior pharmacy TUE snow sturm seen in the windows cf the excelsior dru store to attract ohp crowd kt wo n for pale at city lumber delivered tn any part of te city telephone 31 or P 0 box t place in town for holiday ia at the excelsior reports already and printed kept in stock at ENQUIRER office 1 to F F beo for whitely mowers and machine extras of all kinds aceita for mitchell columbus buggies the imperial Im chilled plows rakes harrowa etc wagon timber and full stock of saddles bar on hand fair treatment and low prices d COMPANY A U N G have rented the knight building opposite the opera house as their headquarters and for their drill room the boys are lilting the building up for their una in good ebare for rheumatism I 1 have found nothing eagal to chamberlains pain balm it relieves the pain aa soon as applied J W young west liberty W va the drompp relief it is alone worth many times the cost oc cents its coni linued use will effect a permanent cure for sale by smoot druco IT is astonishing the number of stoves the great furniture hauae of co of provo sell not so much so bow ever when the fact ia known eliat they aall the universal it has no equal as yet on earth gall and see them it will pay you THE committee of arrangements for tomorrow nighta grand ball at the opera house have ben actively at work for beveral days decorating the honea and otherwise making it attractive and comfortable the affair tomorrow night promises to eclipse every of the kind ever held at the opera house |