Show christmas the celebration of the of de cember as the birth of the savior is a custom founded on tradition not on history abo historical mention of christmas festivities on this date was during the reign of antonius pins A D but the first certain traces of it are fouad during the reign of Com modus A D and in the reign of A D a lot of christians were put to death at nicomedia while assembled in that city to celebrate the birth of jurist on the of december those are brie hy the earliest historical traces of christmas on the day now celebrated there are numerous references to the eniy churches celebrating the birth of christ as late as april and may and the armenian church now observes the of february old calendar as the date of his nativity in the orient today the roman catholic church observes ano date the greek catholic church another date and the armenian church as before stated still another the nations of northern europe all observe the of december ably from the fact that it took the place of one of their heathen festive tie during the winter bols ice when their deity odin began conquering the sa verity of winter and the days began to lengthen it is almost certain that clest was not born this season of the year those who have been in asia minor in december will know that shepherds could hardly be watching their flocks by night on ahe plains chiq is the rainy season in syria and neither nor foolish men attempt traveling every day the rain pours down and men do not sleep on ground without shelter neither do the stars shine of nights our kivior was probably bora in the spring time after tho rainy season because it is tle custom of the people in syria today to then lead their flocks on the alaina |