Show SILK FROM WOOD A recent discovery of great commercial importance at bradford england silk has been made from wood pulp so much like the real tiling that it bids fair to occupy a place in commerce and use it is produced by subjecting vegetable fiber to alie action of various acids the result being a product said to be identical with the filament of the worm having its lightness luster and all its qualities including that of durability commercially speaking says the philadelphia ledger alie importance of the discovery can hardly be overestimated and it is possible eliat it will produce the most revolutionary consequence in alie trade in that commodity everywhere the worlds stock of silk both woven and raw is immense and has always held a staple value likely to be much shaken and disturbed by the intrusion of a new supply which can be clu aply and abundantly produced dimples of yarn fringe braid dimps gimps silks handkerchiefs bro cades and other fabric ded in various colors have been exhibited by the makers to alie trade and pronounced all right and up to alie com 1 l standard in all respects with diamonds and rubies fauch as arc now being turned out in great abundance modern society will driba les stake on a style of splendor hitherto n outshining out shining the courts of solomon or alie queen of blieka or the retinues of mahmoud ur al |