Show 1 pres young flace said THE MEWS EDITORIAL recount of the utah conr mission handled in becoming style ENQUIRER correspondence dec 21 1894 today cloaked the first semester of the present the sanpete stake academy with appropriate consisting of B beches ie ches recitations and sing iq by the etu denta showing a very satisfactory degree of progress made under the indefatigable labors of pros profs N E noyes and john peterson owing to tha lone spell of fine ive alber during the fall which kept ganv of the young annn at work ia the fields and elsewhere the attendance not as larb as it is expected to be the next semester opens yet a total enrollment of 71 has attended abie institution and were during the days exercises besides the general branches of studies there are also taught in german and dalieh thus qualifying qua lifTing the young men for future missionary usefulness POLITICAL POINTS the political corruption going on io various parts of our fair territory is 0 course talked about on our streets aid yet we are patiently putting up with the stealing process BO far the registering of illegal voters commenced here but oar jude found no for action and the caie need I 1 eay that he was a democrat or that the parties culpable in the attempt were of that order chile the campaign was going on some very curiola assertions were made by god men on tha democratic side one of that class living in your city stated in a public journal that he waa well acquainted with president brigham young and that he knew that that venerable gentleman was a democrat brigham YOUNGS now that the campa ifo id over and the hatchet is buniea for awhile at least I 1 think it would not be considered out of place to cite a part of a sermon which president brigham young delivered on the ath of april 1871 in salt lake city a it will or ought to bottle that question forever with every fair minded latter day saint he referred to the rebellion in heaven and eaid are the heavenia one yea though we nave a brief account of a little confusion existing there once tha lord baa revealed a little about this matter to us in the latter davs what was the ona third of the cleavenla CLeaven lv hobbs were expelled I 1 dont believe that iha opposition lasted very lon if there were two candidates candid atea in heaven which it appears that they bad and I 1 dont think that it ccok a great while to count the for or against to see which one of the two should be the president ahn oo position was simply thrown out wes that likht was it democratic to have two candidates oar politicians ciana in tha world would consider cou sider it pei factly consistent si stent but I 1 would tell all the demo brats in the world if they were here that all their 0 position contains with i in i self the germ of ot that government to kiich they belong it is from ania source that a il strife and contention and whenever a government is based upon electious elect ioos it has placed within it the germ for its own destruction it was from this standpoint that I 1 first decided to cast my lot with the republican party and I 1 inand to bland by it |