Show dairymen will act IS ecial to THE doc 21 the various produce exchanges and dairy mens as throughout the country propose to tak active 10 compel the enforcement in every stata of the law relating lo 10 oleomargarine and other im citation butters as laid down a couple of ceika SRO in the already celebrated decision deci aion of harlan of the united slates supreme court to this end a national of all these bodies and of extensive Jair viren will be held early in january at which funds will and plans perfected perfect sd for systematic work in every state to which tho decision applies the national butter ilie se and esi association which rma its hea io chicago is dakins an active isit vrest in tha preliminaries or the proposed propos sd con v antion aud secretary R H littler has hotd ua correspondence on ine ct ith tte officers vi tha new york produce the conven tion will DB hall either in new chicago or st laii |