Show TRUSTEES SALE whereas D D houtz and edna L houtz hla wile both of the coulty aud territory of utah aid by their certain deed of trust dated september 25 1893 and recorded the same day in book 15 of mortgages page in alie cafice of the recorder of utah utah territory convey to the as trustee the following described real estate situate in utah bounly utah territory to wit commencie at the northeast corner ot block 44 plat B provo city sur vey of building lots running thence west twelve 12 rods thelca south six 6 rods chonce twelve 12 rods thence north six 6 roda to place of beginning in trust however to secure the pay ment of their certain promissory n te cherdin described in the anin of three thousand dollars payable to the of joseph D jones the party of the third part in said deed of trust with in terest thereon at the rate of per cent per annum from the data thereof payable quarterly and whereas said deed of trust provides that in case default be abade in the payment of oaid note or any part thereof or of any interest that may accrue thereon then said deed shall remain in force and the said party of the part may proceed to bell said described property or adv part thereof ai public to the highest bidder for buah either of the parties to eaid deed baine at liberty to become the purchaser at such eale at alio front door of the county cobit house m utah first giving twenty dava public notice of the time terms and place of said eale and the property 10 be sold bv adver ti in some newspaper printed in the english lane and in eaid froio city and upon such sale the said party of the second part ahall execute aad deliver a deau or deeds in fee simple of the property eald to the purchaser or purchasers thereof and butof the proceeds of eaid sale first day the expenses of said trust including reasonable attorney aud closel tees and compensation to said trustee for his services second pay the amount pail by the said party 0 the third part for taxes insurance or mechanics liens under the covenants in eaid deed of tangi contained with fifteen per cent per annum interest thereon from the dale of payment thereof third pay the amount remaining unpaid on eaid note above described for principal and interest up to tho day of sale fourth in tha event of there being thereat tera surplus of such then pay such surplus to the parties of the first part their personal representatives or assigns fifth in case ot a deficiency proceeds state an account credit the amount paid on said note and certify the amount of such deficiency and whereat Where aa aard note is past due and remains wholly unpaid together with interest thereon aa in said note provided since september 25 ing in all to the sum of and whereas the aid joseph D jones on anne 7 paid insurance claims amounting to 33 00 and on november paid tax claims amounting to which claims being against real stale it was necessary for him to for the protection of the lien of the eaid dead of trust and by the terms ot which deed b iq entitled to a lien against real estate and of which amounts no part has been b tha parties ot the first part and whereas joseph D J nes the hold of paid note has requested the under signed trustee to sell eaid real estate ac cording to the terms and conditions jn said deed of trust contained now therefore public notice is here by giving that the undersigner undersigned under signed trustee by virture ot the power in him vested by the said deed of tru stand at the request of the owner and holder of aard note and in accordance with the provi aiona of said deed of rust will sell the above real estate at public to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the county courthouse in provo city Utah on tuesday january 15 1805 at 12 noon of aard day for the purpose of paving the expenses of said trust including a reasonable corn p to the trustee and for attorneys tees the amounts paid by the party of the third part for insurance and taxes with interest thereon from the times ot payment and the haid principal and interest and of fully carrying out the conditions in eaid deed of trust contained dated dec E L trustee demoray Da Moray attorney SALE whereas the provo theatre company a corporation of utah county utah executed and delivered its tain trust deed bearing date the first day of march A D 1892 to aimeb U bacon trustee to secure the payment to john J judson of nine thousand dollars and interest theiron the according to the tenor and effect ct a certain note hearing even date with said trust deed for amount and payable on tue let day of march A D 1804 w ith interest thereon at the rata of ten per cent per annum said interest being payable quarterly which said trust deed waa recorded in the recorders office of the counte of utah and territory of utah in book 17 of tru t deeds on page 51 etc of the records of said office and given upon the following de ascribed scribed premises premi aes situate in said utah county to wit begin at the north west comer of lot three 3 in block six ty seven 67 plat A provo city eur apy run thence east one hundred and twenty six feet thence south seventy three 73 feet thence west one hundred and twenty six feet thence north seventy three 73 feet to the place of beginning and whereat read it is provided in eaid trust deed among other things that in cast default be made in the payment of said note that then said trustee shall sell and dispose of said premieres premi ees or any part hereof and all the richt title benefit and equity of redemption of the aard company their heirs and assigns therein either in maedl or in separate parcels par celB as the holder of said rote may prefer at public auction at the front door of the court house in said county of utan for the highest and best price the same will briix in cash after giving thirty days previous notice of euch sale by publication in any newspaper at BUCU time published in said county of utah and to make execute acknowledge and deliver to the purchaser eer or purchasers at such sale good and sufficient deed or deeds of conveyance for the premises sold and whereas said company has made default in the payment of paid note ana of part cf the interest thereon and whereas the legal owner and holder of eaid note has requested said trustee or his successor in trust to adver ife and sell said premises in pursuance ot the power and authority in him vested in and by said trust deed and now therefore public notice is hereby given that I 1 james H bacon trustee as aforesaid will on monday the dav of decemver Dece moer A D 1894 at eleven a m of eaid day at the front north door of the county court house of utah county in provo city in raid county sell eaid with all the right title benefit and eunity of redemption ot said company its heirs and assigns therein or thereto forever for th highest and best price the same will bring in cash and will make execute acknowledge and deliver to the par chaser or sale good and sufficient deed or deeds of convey ance for the premises sold daty of november A i ad loui n H BACON 1 J T tir T W attorney |