Show SUMMONS in the district court of the faist judicial district ot the territory ot utah utah county S S jobea Hain tiu 1 va charlea A rogers susannah M Sau giovanni rosa R rogers caroline deniss henry C rogers elleu DB R gers david R beebe 0 B rait j horace E bebbs oranda I 1 0 beebe anjima G beebe summons geoge sanders alberer sanders ethel sanders ida sanders george sanders Alma Pratt alvero olive pratt parker pratt maud aratt oralie pratt john coltrin ozzie acott and belva scott the people ot the territory of utah eena to charles arogers susannah M rosa R rosiers Roii ers caroline daniels henry C rogers ellen hickman john D B rora david R beebe 0 B pratt horace E baebe ovanda C beshe algua angua U beebe jeorga sanders albert sanders ethel ida sanders george hanx dors alma pratt kiive pratt parker pratt maud fiatt alvero pratt oralie pratt bohu coltrin ozzie scott and belva yon are be eby required to appear in an action brought against you by the above named plaintiff in the ct coon ol 01 the first judicial district or the territory ol 01 and 10 the compliant therein within teu days excusive ol 01 the day ot service afar ahe service on you ol 01 this summons if within condly this county out in litls within bayh otherwise aub lorty days or judgment hy default will be you to prayer ot abb the eaid action is brought to obtain a decree of akia court requiring defend ants tn set forth the of their claim in and to a certain biece of real estate described ag follows to wit ing at the cornar of block 60 plat A provo eurley of lots thence north feet thence east dept thelca nouh leet thence west feet to place of bs giuins and to deter miao all adverse claims in and to said property and that by eaid decree it da declared and adjudged that defendants have estate or enters inters est whatsoever in or to said property and that the title ot plaintiff is good and valid and that defendants be forever enjoined and de barred from asserting any claim whatever in or to said pro perty adverse to plaintiff and for such other and further relief as may be proper and for costs for farther and bulled particulars ref ferance is hereby made to plaintiffs complaint on file herein and you are hereby that 1 yon tall ra 0 ties lil cm plaint as auld will tako judgment the hon WILLIAM JulKe and the seal of the district court 1 I he arst district SEAL and for ahe r di of in the year of our lad no cikel hundred and ninell tour clerk by GHO clerk williams van colt and sutherland altor ikeya for plaintiff |