Show THE ENQUIRER MONDAY DECEMBER 21 1894 john E booth president john hinry smith vice n T C drahun Gra hun ua ano W C D J R boshard OSCEa TABY J ST lohn 0 graham uter cd at the postoffice Post office at pro a second claa matter 1 TERMS OF BY MAIL PREPAID gaily edition one year in advance 83 parts of a ye arper mon thin advance ri semi ss advance 2 5 TO CITY daily banday excepts J 80 cants per month in advance or 25 cents a week address co provo city utah chere delivery is irregular cake c ake complaint at the office or throng h telephone no 27 P A on MP 1110 ral alk E 0 iokeau 61 and 65 ex th tan bo made for it hrc a that every week exceeds that of nil tha other newspapers in central aid southern utah combined in gutib county it has a circulation that ex needa that of all thal other territorial capar combined for vr v r clity years MRS beenu Bed for over fifty years by million of mothers tor their children with perfect guc ce it boothes the child alie ediin illais all pain burps wilid colic and is the best remedy for it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately bold bv in every part of the world twenty five euta i bottle be gure tor krs Wini lowB deyrup aud no ether kiml ballards snow liniment this wonderful liniment is known from the atlantic to the pacific and from the lakes to the gulf it is the acost penetrating liniment in the world it will cure rheumatism neuralgia juts sprains bruises wounds old beores burns sciatica kore throat sore cheat and all inflammation after all others have failed it will cure barbed wire cuts and heal all wounds where proud flesh fles h has set in it is emual efficient for animals try it and you will not ba without it aiice 60 cents bold by smoot drug co 8 another Carlo arrives bupt supt brown aud his division of bales men the wrought iron range co of rit louia mo are still with us and are doing a tine business they have been located at provo for the past three months and in that time have disposed of three car load of their peer leei homa comfort steel fand male able iron cooking manees aad vester day they received and unloaded an other carload of the above goods making their fourth c to this city OV T three hundred home comfort ranges have apen sold in utah county we have vet to hear of a single diavatis dia satis fiod purchaser on the other hand we hear nothing but words of praise for the homa comfort ranges adad half chicri il permits bior isy applications for half fare clarica permits fur be ina jn to th undersigner undersigned under signed not later than decembri Decem bei 1891 1 WF general agent room 11 over now st salt lake city utan LOOK 2 morning trains 2 to salt via RIO GRANDE WESTERN leave provo at a m for salt lake and antei mediate points leave provo at 1155 a in for aden salt lake and intermediate points 4 trains edich dav daily druggists bd dr allea tirre plaster via union pacific to ah points on union pacific system within milo i of the station from which ticket is selling batea dec 21 u and jan ast 1st rood tor until jan ath 1895 ajl children cry fop pitchers cassorla Ca storla for infants and children years of bactoria Cac toria arith the patronage of of persons per benait as to gacak of it without greasing it is th best for infanta and children iho world aia ever it is hann leaa liae it it givia them health it CIT HI save their lives in it mothers leavo i babe and perfect as a omida zae dicino castoria cantoria Cag toria allays castoria pr eventa conr card cantoria Cag toria and wind colic cantoria Cag toria relieves Teet liing Tron lle cantoria Ca atoria carea and flatulency cantoria Cag toria the effects of carbonic acid ga or air cantoria Ca atoria does not contain morphine or oilier narco tio property cantoria Cag toria tha food latea the stomach and bobela bo wela giving healthy and natural sleep cantoria Ca atoria ja ant ftp in one size bottled bott lea only it i not gold in balk dont allow any one to beell yon anything ele on the plea or chat it is amt as good and will every see that yon get C A 3 T 0 R I A the fac ia on of wrapper children cry for pitchers castoria D aum idoff COUGHS COLDS AHO CROUP grandmothers ADVICE alna children my only rm buytor colds aad was onion barup it it at a to ds i tt was forty tear hoar aay g or aunno aulon oulon arrup u already and more pl albia Bia to iba itt bold lair bottle CO benta tam ai for it ettare 0 bood sold bv fyne maiben no MORE BACK ACHE te all PEOPLES general and wayon repairing done en the shortest notice HOUSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY first class work at living prices J street 1 bocka north let national bank city DAVID MELDRUM you can get the finest and most durable claths cloths made at home as yoo can aloo get the call and see if what I 1 aay is not true S PETERSON tailor one door south of deseret telegraph office J street successor to provo L M B co WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IN lumber doors windows blinds and Moul dings rustic siding T and 8 flooring batly lat ly Z lumber order scroll sailing and turning done utah valley iron paint combination wire and slat fence office haid sal opposite R E depot Tor tahvo Tr UI 1 Y P 0 box 79 telephone 1 y alt UK GRANDE WESTERN COLORADO MIDLAND TOPEKA AND FE tle only line which rana pullman balno cars between salt luke city and chicago without change arid pullman palace reclining Rec linins abair carri between n salt lake city denver and chicago THE LINE SUPERB SCENERY EQUIPMENT unsurpassed ARE YOU GOING EAST if BO be aure and eckre tickets reading over the ANCA FE rourk and uie let railroad on earth leave salt lake chiy or crovi on lle boeniu train in cordei to aeo ahe lugat beautiful iu america train javns rio geande western depot prevo at p m H 0 lt dooly building Paea euer department aalt aake CITY UTAH outwitting outfitting OUT FITTING DEPT AND headquarters FOB all kinds of miners supplies c IN G STORK biant powder and anse fancy groceries etc special attention to mall orders P 0 jlou 1466 aalt LAKE CITY OF PROVO Bf iseral BUMS DIRECTORS A 0 SMOOT president W R PIKE jonn 0 GHAHAM GEO tayloe GEO Q CANNON J P R JOHNSON E F D A SWAN cashier exchange drawn on new york Uhic aeo ban francisco and all the principal cities of europe safety boxes for rent from per annum aud upwards THE mm RIO brinde Rai hoad scenic line of the world the only line running two through fast trains daily to LEADVILLE ASPEN PUEBLO COLORADO SPRINGS AND DENVER 29 1894 train no 2 9 26 a m arrive at pueblo a m colorado a m denver 1030 a m cripple creek a m train no 4 leaves provo p m arrive at pueblo p m colorado springs p m denver p m connections made at springs and denver with all lines east elegant day coaches chair care and sleepers Slee pars on trains take the D R G and have a comfortable trip and enjoy the finest scenery on the continent shortest line to Cr ripple creek colo badoa great gold camp train no 2 leading provo at am arrives at cripple creek next morn ing A b S K HOOPER traffic canaper Ma naper G P T A denver colo denver colo B F KEVINS general agent salt lake city tat HM GUSHING tray pass act j caveats aud trademarks trade marks obtained and all pat eat busi ass conducted for oun fees i is u 8 PATENT end erncr we patent in less time than i waste from washington feud model drazine or photo ath description i e avic U e or not free of chargo our fee not due till alanl is secured A PAMPHLET how a patents witti cost of siuro in the U S and bent free igo OF 0 C SM ewt eady made man REMEMBER PLYMOUTH ROCK PRICES PANTS TO TO 1075 SUITS TO 1450 TO OVERCOATS TO ORDER 1100 TO over three hundred lad fifty patterns to select from latest spring styles now in domestic english scotch and french gooda full dress suits in very latest cut 30 to 75 rs rw mouth 41 so lake city iilah THE ENQUIRER during the past eleven years has given to every one of its subscribers who has paid for one year in advance one years free subscription to the well known magazine THE ENQUIRER was alie first home paper to introduce thie popular agricultural magazine to the people of utah and will continue to send postage prepaid pre paid THE semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY ENQUIRER aud THE AMERICAN FARMER for one year to any subscriber re siding re in the united states who will forward to us we have recently introduced another feature to our premium department one that is of ml filter adro for we will maiato any subscriber in the united state postage prepaid pre paid for one year and IV i ja ia a r fal an entertaining and instructive monthly magazine that has already n become a home necessity among the ladies of utah |