Show NOTICE I 1 have la my possession the following described animals impounded as or lor trespass one bay marp about 9 years old brand av on cikut shoulder bl hock joints with collar marks oue colored colt about 7 montha old no brand visible one sorrel stud about 12 years old shod all round branded resembling sap rem on belt shoulder tissa II 11 camago and coats on said be not i aid ten days from date ul this notice they alli be sold to the highest cash bidder at provo bray pound ta pm on the ast day 01 lash city utah conaty territory 01 atau dat 0 dc for sali city NOTICE I 1 have in my alss anlon the following described animals impounded as estraya 0 lor trespass one brown horse about 13 years ol 01 white apoi in forehead branded r 0 R on len thith one bay norse 4 or 5 old branded re li 1 thigh one sorrel colt about IS mouths old brand d att on left should erwi hind foot strip in laie one olaf by horse 10 or 11 spart ola abl e in lel ont cooked looks like a aue no brinis vl abie II 11 dai and colln a anlin Is D bot pio i tf n davi froin in dei ibis nike n ike alej wi 1 l b 1 soul tu itie ash bidder nt alie tr v pound 11 clock p in on atie d ly t bec 1894 dated at brovo cly utah counte terri or ahl aft of dec U LOVLESS of haid NOTICE J lieve in my the des icv as for rc spass one monie hoso ho so colt conr white stocking itty while in rac about 2 or 3 yea s ola brand d A E on belt shoulder une brown 3 ers old brand H 1 on in lace alil aliu birgs un riia ciare aith a dark brown colt 12 ears old brandel hial coin aldel ti I 1 ft one brown colt 2 years old strip lu baci left cand 1 oi v arte no visible aniu giors ta taddie JdIe marked about H years aiu 0 brandy visible li and cosia on ald be autu putu within ten ds d s the date 01 will be sold to the highest cash at the provo city pound at 2 on the day or deo 18 dated tit brov city atah territory of utah this day of dec 1894 D LOVELESS keeper for said city |