Show tabernacle concert on thursday evening our musicians will give one of the most artistic artia tic and concerts ever given to a provo audience eveia number oa the program willbe by artia tg the tabernacle choir will ba from and gounod the orchestra selection from the popular grand opera bohemian girl prof to the gladiators will be a masterpiece of elocution plo cution prof gillans gilmans Gil mans arat appearance aa clarious clarions Cla rions soloist with a very popular selection will itself ba well worth th pi ice of admission F the roberta brothers are taking special pains to have their quartette equal in merit to the others on the aror gram the operatic trio by ida jones B irvine and W D roberta lao promises to be a fine feature added to the above fine array of talent prof and madame delbery will be beard tor the art time since their arrival from the batt mrs deanery DeL nery girl known better aa lillio rob ere was formerly a member of ho tab emacile choir bhe was a pupil of prot daciena DA ciela and baying an ambition to con dinue her studies as a vocalist she went east and took a fiva veara course in voice culture she now has the proud distinction of beina the tinei t soprano in utah provo has had or repeatedly to pel proud of her musical talent and has always chown her appreciation of the efforts of bar musicians with euch a fin array of talent and the patriotic pride of our citizens we that a full honea will greet our ciana on thursday evening |