Show deseret news tha Deseret Newa broke ita bilenda on the election frauda alst saturday and spoke as follows editorially up to the present tima so far as ex Drees an editorial opinion is concerned the news has been almost a client observer of the proceedings that have been taking place ance the work of cany asang the of the last general elric tinn has been in progress the position of political neutrality which this paper has steadily atea dily maintained and is determined to continue in ha made upon this subject proper and consistent far but a condition of public feeling in relation to it has been brought into existence which forbids longer forbearance on our part wu have no partisan feeling 10 express in regard to the gi gantic scandal that is profoundly and painfully agitating aei tating the mind of eyers honorable and patriotic voter in the territory neither have we any charpes t commission or adv member of it mr against any election lodge or other public officer charged with any duty connected with the counting and canvass of the election returns but it ia to ignore the fact that nearly every one of the errors alleged to have been dincov ered on opening the balot boxes baa ben in tavor of one particular party and the singular character of this fact ia immensely enhanced by the fact that thac parta ulrch ia neiping the benefit of these alleged errors had a majority of the election judges at eveia poll in the territory and that it is the result of the count by these judges which the later ia proceeding to overturn all that is peculiarly unfortunate at this time when we are on the verge of statehood and about to enter upon a career that promises to be one of glory unsurpassed in all the statehood of states it ia most deplorable that the fair fame of our commonwealth should be thus menaced by the dancer i that ie being created in connection with the canvass bow in progress if ever there waa a whipper that any member of the utah legislature dur ing the forty four years that utah has been a territory procured his election by corrupt or improper means the news never heard the rumor and shall it be permitted to be said that any i member of the highest legislature of our commonwealth can ever have the one which will frame its organic law obtained his seat through fraud or cori lup tiou thousands of botera of arth parties and in all parta of the territory stand ready to rise above all party lines and obligations and cry out against the creation of such a possibility shall utah go into the union with a blot upon her reputation involved in the charge that her farat legislative districts were fixed and her first unite states senators were elected in I 1 ance of a corrupt conspiracy the individuals who are at the present time manipulating thy electoral I 1 of this territory ought to consider the measureless harm that mav result from what is going en what will be the effect on eastern capital which we are so anxious to have in tested in our midst T how will our commercial credit our bonds and se curi ties be affected if the individuals referred to suppose that tn e people of utah are a class which will be slow to resent the infliction of the threatened injury upon their reputation and ma ferial interests inte they are mistaken in the kind of men who built this fair commonwealth out of the materials furnished by the desert sift and condign will be the punishment which the voters of utah will inflict upon the man or set of men responsible for doing them such great wrong senator stanford once said we have a lung stretch of railroad in utah but we never had to spend a sibyle doax lar in watching the utah legislature nor in any effort to prevent it from robbing us through all the years of struggles and growth her reputation for purity of elections and the integrity of her lawmakers law makers has bean preserved and it will continue to bo protected it must not at thia moment ba jeopardized or ruined either by cond sp iracy carelessness or corruption the present beeline of sorrow and shame may and aurely will turn to aaa of just and terrible indignation at any at dempt to foist upon abie people the miserable and outrageous methods that have made returning boards infamous in other places and tampered with and defeated the sacred right of popular suffrage the news aaen repeats its purpose to no tiao fablio nor make accusations but in pursuance 01 a solemn duty a duty it can no longer defer it demanda in the name of the people of the whole territory an honest count of the honest ballots cast and the honest acceptance of the peoples will ra expressed by them at the polls and aa at least once officially declared |